Jeremiah Dummer
- Born: 14 Sep 1645, Newbury MA
- Marriage (1): Ann Atwater in 1672 in Boston MA
- Died: 24 May 1718, Boston MA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Portrait by ,
Private Collection
- Apprenticed in 1659 to John Hull (HULL & SANDERSON) in Boston MA 1

- Porringer, c 1665-1670
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 1 1/4"
d: 4 5/8" (of rim)
wt: 4 oz 13 dwt
Engraved NG for Nabby (Abigail) Gardiner and B over E M for Ebenezer and Mary [Turner] Bowditch. The handle design is believed to be unique in American silver.

- Cup, c 1675
Private Collection
l: 6 1/4"
wt: 7 oz
Prick engraved W over I S for John and Sarah (Hooker) Wilson.

- Caudle cup, c 1680
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 3 1/8" (including handles)
d: 2 9/16" (base)
d: 3 3/16" (lip)
w: 4 oz, 15 1/2 dwt
The only floral decorated caudle cup published

- Spout cup, c 1680
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 4 7/8" (including final)
d: 2 5/16" (base)
d: 3 1/16" (lip)
w: 8 oz, 5 dwt
Engraved 'SCE' around center point on bottom. '1680' on side. Made for Stephen Codman & Elizabeth Randall, m 1674. This and the following are the only known spout cups by Drummer.

- Spout cup, c 1680-1700
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 5 1/4"
d: 3 3/19" (of lip)
wt: 8 oz, 13 dwt
Its early history is unknown; engraved H over D E for Daniel and Elizabeth (Garrish) Henchman. It is the only known example of a two-handled spout cup by an American silversmith.

- Tankard, 1685
Seattle Art Museum
Made for Simeon Stoddard's marriage to Mary Downing. Given its large, three quart size and elaborate chinoiserie decoration, it is ranked among the finest extant pieces of early American silver.

- Caudle cup, c 1690
Historic Deerfield 3
h: 3"
d: 4 1/4"
wt: 6 oz, 11 1/2dwt
Engraved on base G over IA for Joseph and Anna (Waldron) Gerrish.

- Cup, c 1690
Private Collection
h: 3 1/4"
wt: 6 oz, 10 dwt
Engraved T over P M for Peter and Mary (Cotton) Tufts and later inscriptions.

- Tankard, c 1690
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
h: 6 1/2"
d: 5" (of base)
Engraved S over I * E on base for John and Elizabeth (Folger) Swain along with the initials of succeeding family members down to 1915.

- Mourning ring, 1693
Winterthur Library
d: 3/4"
Engraved "Iames LLoyd . Obyt. 21Augt1693"

- Tankard, c 1693
Winterthur Library 22
h: 6 5/16"
d: 5" (of base)
wt: 25 oz, 6 dwt
Engraved R over D • S for Daniel and Sarah (Appleton) Rogers.
- Master to Daniel Gookin 1696-1704 in Boston MA.
Samuel Sewall noted in his diary on 6 January 1695 that "Unkle Quinsey lodged here last night, having recieved a Letter from Mr. Gookin to desire him, agrees to bind Daniel Gookin to Cous. Dummer for 8 years from the 10th of March next. Not being able to stay, desires me to see it effected" 1

- Beaker, 1697
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 20
h: 6 3/16"
d: 3 5/8" (of base)
wt: 9 oz 11 dwt
Engraved Ex Dono. Capt: Simon Stacy / to the Church of Ipswich / 1697.

- Cup, c 1700
Minneapolis Institute of Art
h: 3 1/2"
w: 4" (across handles)
Engraved with the arms of Brown/Browne of Massachusetts.

- Communion cup, c 1700
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 4 1/2"
d: 2 1/2" (of base)
wt: 6 oz, 11 dwt
Engraved the: gifft / of / • E • B • for Edward Brattle, brother of Thomas Brattle, one of the founders of the Church in Brattle Square for whom the cup was made. See matching cup made by William Cowell

- Communion cup, 1700
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 7 5/8"
d: 4 5/16" (of base)
wt: 9 oz 17 dwt
Engraved Ex dono / Mr. Joshua & / Mrs. Hannah / Bangs / To The Church of Eastham / 1700. This is the earliest example in this form.

- Standing cup (on of a pair), 1701
Private Collection
h: 8 1/8"
wt: 25 oz 4 dwt
Engraved with the Stoughton arms and engraved "The Gift of / Gov. William Stoughton / to the / Church of Dorchester / 1701"

- Connecticut currency, c 1709
- Obituary printed in the Boston News Letter (Boston MA) on 2 Jun 1718
"Departed this life Jeremiah Dummer, Esqr., in the 73rd year of his Age, after a long retirement, . . . having served his country faithfully in several Publick Stations, and obtained of all that knew him the Character of a Just, Virtuous, and Pious Man; . . ."
Jeremiah married Ann Atwater, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, in 1672 in Boston MA. (Ann Atwater was born about 1654 in Boston MA.)