Daniel Porter
- Born: 1775, Hartford CT
- Died: 6 Nov 1809, Williamstown MA
General notes:
Silversmith, watch, and clockmaker
Events in his life were:
- Apprenticed in 1793 to Daniel Burnap in East Windsor CT
This indenture made between Ezekiel Loomis of East Windsor, County of Hartford, guardian to Daniel Porter, a minor on the one part, and Daniel Burnap of town and county aforesaid on the other part witnesseth that this Ezekiel Loomis does put, place, and bind Daniel Porter to be an apprentice unto Daniel Burnap from the date hereof until he, Daniel Porter, shall arrive to twenty-one years of age, he being seventeen years old on the 20th day of July last, all which term of time the apprentice his Master faithfully shall serve, his secrets keep, his lawful commands gladly obey.
He shall do no damage to his Master, nor see it to be done of others without giving notice thereof to his Master. He shall not waste his Master's goods nor lend them unlawfully to any.
He shall not commit fornication nor contract matrimony within the aforesaid term--at cards, dice, or any unlawful game he shall not play. He shall not absent himself by day or by night from his Master's service without leave, nor haunt taverns or play horses, but shall, in all things, behave himself as a faithful apprentice ought to do towards his Master
--and Ezekiel Loomis to find and furnish the apprentice all the wearing apparel he shall want during his apprenticeship--
And Daniel Burnap doth hereby covenant and promise to teach or cause the apprentice to be taught and instructed in the art, trade, or calling of clockmaking, silversmithing, and watch repairing so far as his business will admit, and will provide meat, drink, washing, lodging, and mending clothes suitable for such an apprentice, and at the expiration of said term, dismiss him from his apprenticeship, in testimony whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals this 18th day of February 1793.
Signed sealed and delivered.
Ezekiel Loomis
Daniel Burnap
Daniel Porter In the presence of
Thomas Bancroft
Sally Porter
- He worked before 1799 as a silversmith and clockmaker in Topsfield MA
- He worked after 1799 as a silversmith and clockmaker in Williamstown MA
At his death, his shop was taken over by his nephew, Eli Porter.

- Tall case clock, c 1800
Private Collection
h: 91 1/2"
w: 20 1/2"
The case likely made in Bennington VT.
- Master to Eli Porter Abt 1805 in Williamstown MA.