Barton Ingraham
- Born: 21 Mar 1782, Attleboro MA
- Marriage (1): Catherine Gay on 23 Dec 1804 in Attleboro MA
- Died: 26 Oct 1846, Hannibal, Marion, MO
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He worked circa 1803-1806 as a silversmith in Attleboro MA

- He was a partner circa 1806-1807 with William Greene in Providence RI as INGRAHAM & GREENE with a shop opposite the Baptist Meetinghouse. 3
- Advertised in the Providence Gazette (Providence RI), 8 Mar 1806, offering from the firm of INGRAHAM & GREENE ". . . gold work of every description made & warranted . . . gold cyphers and hair work." 3
Barton married Catherine Gay, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 23 Dec 1804 in Attleboro MA. (Catherine Gay was born on 21 Dec 1786 in Attleboro MA and died on 20 Feb 1809 in Providence RI.)