Nathan Lord Hazen
- Born: 23 May 1809, Worthington MA
- Marriage (1): Hannah Jeanette Twichell on 28 Oct 1834 in Cincinnati OH
- Died: 17 Dec 1851, Cincinnati OH
General notes:
Silversmith and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1829-1830 as a silversmith in Troy NY 4
- He worked in 1831-1843 as a silversmith and watchmaker in Cincinnati OH first listed in the 1831 city directory as a watchmaker. His shop was on 9th, between Main and Walnut Streets. 4
- Advertised in the Cincinnati Daily Gazette (Cincinnati OH), 1831-1851, both alone and as partner in HAZEN & COLLINS. 4

- Teaspoons, c 1835
Private Collection
l: 5 7/8"

- He was a partner in 1843-1847 with Peleg Collins in Cincinnati OH as HAZEN & COLLINS. 4

- Alternate Mark for HAZEN & COLLINS.

- Alternate Mark for HAZEN & COLLINS.
- Advertised in the Cist's Daily Advertiser (Cincinnati OH), 1846, as partner in HAZEN & COLLINS, jewelers, watchmakers, and dealers in fancy goods. 4
- He worked in 1847-1851 as a silversmith in Cincinnati OH
With a shop at 157 Main Street. He sold out to his clerk, Henry Bliss. 4

- Watch paper, c 1850
American Antiquarian Society
Nathan married Hannah Jeanette Twichell on 28 Oct 1834 in Cincinnati OH. (Hannah Jeanette Twichell was born on 13 Nov 1813 in Norwich NY and died on 3 Aug 1891 in Cincinnati OH.)