Garret Schanck
- Born: 14 May 1768, Freehold NJ
- Marriage (1): Sarah Van Dyck on 5 May 1791 in Freehold NJ
- Died: 1795, New York City NY
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He was a partner circa 1791-1793 with Daniel Van Voorhis in New York City NY as VAN VOORHEES & SCHANCK with a shop at 25 Fair Street. 16

- Covered sugar bowl by VAN VOORHEES & SCHANCK, c 1791
Private Collection
h: 8 1/2"
wt: 9.6 oz

- Alternate Mark for VAN VOORHIS & SCHANCK.

- Alternate Mark for VAN VOORHIS & SCHANCK.
- Advertised in the New-York Packet and the American Advertiser (New York City NY), 5 Jan 1794,
"The Copartnership of Van Voorhis and Schanck having been dissolved by mutual consent such persons as are indebted to them are requested to make payment to Daniel Van Voorhis; and those who have any claims against said firm are desired to apply to him for a settlement thereof, he being authorized to settle the same. Daniel Van Voorhis, Garret Schanck.
Daniel Van Voorhis Continues to carry on the business in all its various branches at the same place, No. 7 Queen-Street, corner of King-Street. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has received from Europe, by the latest vessels an entire new and fashionable assortment of every species of goods in his line, such as set knee buckles, necklases, ear drops, ladies and gentlemen's watch chains, seals, keys and trinkets, silver pencil cases, ladies and gentlemen's Morocco pocket books, and purses of all kinds, neat thread cases, thimbles, gilt cane heads, lockets, smelling-bottles, breast pins, fine steel hat-buckles...ponty pool, japanned, crimson, and gold-striped Roman tea urns, plated hollow patent cocks and others. Ponty pool japanned coffee jugs with gold ornaments and stands, elegant tea trays, Britannia metal coffee jugs,ears exile—that he carries on his business as usual, at the old corner house, where he formerly lived, between the Fly Market and New-Dutch Church, No. 23 Crown-Street."
- He worked in 1794-1795 as a silversmith in New York City NY first at 25 Fair Street, then 133 Water Street. 7

- Covered sugar bowl, 1794-1795
Museum of the City of New York
h: 8 1/2"
w: 2 3/4" (of square base)
wt: 8.7 oz
- Advertised in the New York Daily Advertiser (New York City NY), 15 May 1793-11 Apr 1796, 4

- Teapot, c 1795
Henry Luce III Center for the Study of American Culture
h: 7 1/8"
w: 21 oz 11 dwt
Engraved with Child family arms.

- Creamer, c 1795
Private Collection
h: 8
wt 6 oz.
- New York City NY, 12 Nov 1795: his wife Sarah and brother John were granted letters of administration of his estate. The inventory of goods and tools was done by Joseph Dubois. It included "1 gold double heart ring" valued at 6 shillings, "6 Silver pocket book clasps" at 2 shillings each, shoe buckles and "42 pr York made plated do" at 2 shillings 6 pence each. The contents of the shop included old silver valued at a little more than£142, calculated at 9 shillings per ounce, and new silver totaling nearly £52, at 9 shillings 4 pence per ounce. Under the heading "Fashion of Silver Goods," Dubois included one silver ladle at £1-2, tongs at 7 shillings each, a wine funnel at 16 shillings, "5 pineapples" at 5 shillings each, and "3 urns" at 2 shillings 6 pence each. The latter two references may be to cast finials for teapots or sugar urns. Among other forms recorded were a milk pot, a mustard pot, shoe buckles, and shoes latches. The shop goods totaled £857-3-9, a substantial increase over his £597 share of the Van Voorhis & Schanck partnership, while the "Tools in workshop" were valued at £220. 7,28
Garret married Sarah Van Dyck on 5 May 1791 in Freehold NJ. (Sarah Van Dyck was born in 1766 in Six Mile Run, Middlesex, NJ, christened on 24 Jan 1766 in Six Mile Run, Middlesex, NJ, died on 7 Feb 1857 and was buried in Freehold NJ.)