Daniel Van Voorhis
- Born: 30 Aug 1751, Oyster Bay NY
- Christened: 15 Sep 1751, Wolver Hollow NY
- Marriage (1): Mrs. Catherine Richards on 28 Feb 1775 in Brooklyn NY
- Died: 10 Jun 1824, Brooklyn NY
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1775-1782 as a gold- and silversmith in Philadelphia PA

- Regulated gold coin, c 1775-1780
Private Collection
- He worked in 1782-1784 as a gold- and silversmith in Princeton NJ 4

- Beakers, c 1782-1784
Private Collection
One (left) unmarked. Engraved DMP.
- Advertised in the New Jersey Gazette (Princeton NJ), 1782, 4
- He was a partner in 1784-1785 with Simeon A. Bayley and William Coley in New York City NY as VAN VOORHIS, BAYLEY & COLEY. 4
- Advertised in the Independent Journal or General Advertiser (New York City NY), 18 Dec 1784,
"Real Manufacturers in Gold, Silver, Jewellery, &c. at No. 27, Hanover-Square. Beg leave to inform the public in general, that they have commenced business very extensively in the above Branches. They have procured the best Workmen from Europe, and flatter themselves that the Goods they manufacture will be sold on much lower Terms than those imported, and will be found equal in point of Workmanship.
They have also imported directly from the Manufacturers, a great variety of Plated Goods and Hardware, which will be disposed of on very low Terms for Cash. Also, just arrived, Vestris' Girdles for ladies, elegantly ornamented. Cash, or Goods in exchange, given for Old Silver Lace &c. Hair Work executed in the neatest manner and Mourning Rings on the shortest notice. N.B. Country shop-keepers may be supplied with any Article in the above Branches on the most reasonable terms." 4

- He was a partner in 1785-1787 with William Coley in New York City NY as VAN VOORHIS & COLEY from shop at 27 Hanover Square.

- Alternate Mark purporting to be VAN VOORHIS & COLEY, this mark is a modern forgery.
- Advertised in the Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser (New York City NY), 27 Apr 1785,
"The Subscribers beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that the Copartnership of Vanvoorhis, Bayley, Coley, and Cox, Jewellers and Silver-Smiths, No. 27 Hanover-Square, is dissolved by mutual consent; and that the Jewellery and Silver-Smith business will be carried on in the future by Van Voorhis, Bayley and Coley, at the above place....N.B.Country Shop-keepers that buy to sell again may depend upon being supplied with any articles in the above branches on the lowest terms. Gilding, Motto ring engraving, and hair work executed in the neatest manner. The highest price given for gold and silver." 4
- Advertised in the Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser (New York City NY), 9 Jul 1785,
"The copartnership of Van Voorhis, Bayley and Coley, being by mutual consent dissolved, S. A. Bayley Returns his sincere Thanks to his Friends, and the Public in general, and begs leave to inform them, that he carries on his Manufactory of Gold, Silver, Jewellery, and Water-Gilding, at No. 237, Queen-Street, corner of King-street. Having procured the best Workmen from Europe, he flatters himself that the Goods he manufactures in any of the above Branches, will be sold on much lower Terms than those imported, and equally as good in point of Workmanship. He has imported, directly from the Manufacturers a great variety of Plated Goods and Hardware. . ." 4
- Advertised in the New York Daily Advertiser (New York City NY), 1 Sep 1785,
"Van Voorhis & Coley, Manufacturers in Gold, Silver and Jewellery, No. 27, Hanover-Square, two doors below Mr. Hugh Gaine's. Beg leave to return their sincere thanks to their friends and the public, for past favours; They Have For Sale, A most elegant assortment of every article in their line of business; which, for elegance and taste, are equal to any manufactured or imported in this city; all which they will sell on equitable terms; and flatter themselves the public will find their advantage to make trial, as it is a particular point with them to sell for the smallest profit which their constant attention to their business, and the number of workmen they employ, enable them to do.
Hair work in any device, and set in gold, mourning and other rings; paste buckles of any pattern &c. made in the best manner, having now a good lapidary in their employ enables them to repair paste buckles and every species of work in the Jewellery line. Jewellers and others may be supplied with any quantity, and all kinds of public securities taken in payment. The utmost value given for old gold, silver-lace, diamonds, &c. N.B. Country orders particularly executed. A good workman in the jewellery line, will meet with encouragement, by applying as above." 4

- Vermont copper penny, 1786
Private Collection
Produced by partnership of COLEY & VAN VOORHIS. Die cut by William Coley and minting by Van Voorhis.
- He worked in 1787-1788 as a mint master in Rupert VT with William Coley. 4

- Tea caddy, c 1790
Henry Luce III Center for the Study of American Culture
h: 4 1/2"
One of only two known caddys that have their original keys. The other, by Revere, is in the Bell Collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

- Alternate Mark for VAN VOORHIS & SCHANCK.

- Alternate Mark for VAN VOORHIS & SCHANCK.

- Covered sugar bowl by VAN VOORHEES & SCHANCK, c 1791
Private Collection
h: 8 1/2"
wt: 9.6 oz
- Advertised in the New-York Packet and the American Advertiser (New York City NY), 5 Jan 1794,
"The Copartnership of Van Voorhis and Schanck having been dissolved by mutual consent such persons as are indebted to them are requested to make payment to Daniel Van Voorhis; and those who have any claims against said firm are desired to apply to him for a settlement thereof, he being authorized to settle the same. Daniel Van Voorhis, Garret Schanck.
Daniel Van Voorhis Continues to carry on the business in all its various branches at the same place, No. 7 Queen-Street, corner of King-Street. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has received from Europe, by the latest vessels an entire new and fashionable assortment of every species of goods in his line, such as set knee buckles, necklases, ear drops, ladies and gentlemen's watch chains, seals, keys and trinkets, silver pencil cases, ladies and gentlemen's Morocco pocket books, and purses of all kinds, neat thread cases, thimbles, gilt cane heads, lockets, smelling-bottles, breast pins, fine steel hat-buckles...ponty pool, japanned, crimson, and gold-striped Roman tea urns, plated hollow patent cocks and others. Ponty pool japanned coffee jugs with gold ornaments and stands, elegant tea trays, Britannia metal coffee jugs,ears exile—that he carries on his business as usual, at the old corner house, where he formerly lived, between the Fly Market and New-Dutch Church, No. 23 Crown-Street."

- Presentation vase, 1795-1805
Private Collection
Engraved with bright-cut decoration and monogram "EE" for Elisabeth Elmendorph, possibly on the occasion of her marriage to Cornelius Ray.

- Receipt, 21 Dec 1796
Private Collection
to James Roosevelt for the making of eight salt spoons.

- He was a partner in 1798-1802 with Thomas Richards in New York City NY first as VAN VOORHIS & SON, then VAN VOORHIS & RICHARDS. 4
- He was a partner in 1800 with Garret Schanck and ? McCall in New York City NY as VAN VOORHIS, SCHANCK & McCALL. 3
- Advertised in the Morning Chronicle (New York City NY), 11 Feb 1803, as a goldsmith and jeweler 4
- Appointed in 1805-1819 as Customhouse weigher in Brooklyn NY 4
Daniel married Mrs. Catherine Richards on 28 Feb 1775 in Brooklyn NY. (Mrs. Catherine Richards was born on 4 Jan 1758 and died in 1839.)