John Christian Wiltberger
- Born: 10 Nov 1769, Philadelphia PA
- Marriage (1): Ann Warner on 26 Mar 1791 in Philadelphia PA
- Died: 16 Oct 1851, Philadelphia PA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1793-1797 as a silversmith and jeweler in Philadelphia PA 4

- Tools, c 1793-1817
Private Collection
In the possession of a direct descendent.

- Sword hilt, c 1795
Metropolitan Museum of Art

- Sword hilt, c 1795
Metropolitan Museum of Art

- He was a partner in 1797 with Samuel Alexander in Philadelphia PA as WILTBERGER & ALEXANDER 4
- He worked in 1797-1819 as a silversmith in Philadelphia PA 4
- Advertised in the Federal Gazette (Philadelphia PA), 17 May 1797,
WILTBERGER & ALEXANDER, Goldsmiths and Jewellers, Have imported by the latest arrivals from Europe, a large and elegant assortment of silver plated wares, jewellery, &c. now opening and for sale at their manufactory and warehouse, No. 13, north Second street, nearly opposite Christ Church, where they carry on the silversmith and jewellery business in all its branches, on the most reasonable terms. Such orders as their friends or the public are pleased to favor them with, will be thankfully received and punctually executed, in the neatest manner.
N. B. The highest price given for old gold and silver.
- Advertised in the Federal Gazette (Philadelphia PA), 5 Jun 1797,
WILTBERGER & ALEXANDER, Silversmiths and Jewellers, Have this day dissolved their partnership by mutual consent. As Mr. Wiltberger has authorised himself to settle the business without my knowledge, I therefore think it my duty to inform my friends and the public, that I am neither dead, insolvent, or run away, but that I have lately removed to the house formerly occupied by Mr. Wiltberger, in south Second street, No. 33, where I mean to carry on the business in all its branches, on the most reasonable terms.
N. B. The highest price given for old gold and silver, by Samuel Alexander.
- Advertised in the Federal Gazette (Philadelphia PA), 7 Jun 1797,
CHRISTIAN WILTBERGER, Informs his friends and the public, that he has removed from No. 33, south Second street, to No. 13, north Second, nearly opposite Christ Church, where he carries on the Silversmith's and jeweller's business in all its branches, as usual. He has also on hand a large and elegant assortment of Silver plated Wares, Jewellery, &c. imported by the latest arrivals from Europe, together with a considerable quantity of Silver Wares, manufactured immediately under his own inspection, which he means to sell on the most reasonable terms.
N. B. The highest price given for old Gold and silver.
- Advertised in the Federal Gazette (Philadelphia PA), 29 Apr 1799,
Gold Smith and Jeweller, Has Imported by the latest arrival from Europe, A Large and Elegant Assortment of Navy Swords, Dirks, &c. Now opening and for Sale, At his Manufactory, No. 13, North Second street, nearly opposite Christ Church, Where he carries on the Silver Smith and Jewelling Business, in all its branches, and on the most reasonable terms.
N. B. One or two Apprentices wanted at the above Manufactory.

- Coffeepot, c 1800
Metropolitan Museum of Art
h: 14 1/2
d: 4 5/16 (base)
wt: 41 1/2 oz

- Teapot, c 1800
Metropolitan Museum of Art
h: 7"
wt: 22 oz

- Flagon, c 1815-1830
Yale University 13
h: 12"
d: 6 1/8" (of base)
wt: 68 oz
Together with a pair of covered chalices (see example) and three plates, possibly made for Saint John's Church on Brown Street, Philadelphia where Wiltberger's daughter was married and grandchildren were baptised.

- Covered chalice, c 1815-1830
Yale University 13
h: 10 3/8"
d: 4 15/16" (of base)
wt: 28 oz, 2 dwt
One of a pair which, together with a flagon (see example) and three plates were possibly made for Saint John's Church on Brown Street, Philadelphia where Wiltberger's daughter was married and grandchildren were baptised.

- Teapot, c 1815
Private Collection
h: 10 1/2"
wt: 40 oz
- Philadelphia PA, 1817: signed letter backing the Baltimore silversmiths. 4

- Portrait by Rembrandt Peale, 1818
Philadelphia PA
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Philadelphia PA, listed as a gentleman.
John married Ann Warner on 26 Mar 1791 in Philadelphia PA. (Ann Warner was born on 23 Oct 1770 and died on 12 May 1813 in Philadelphia PA.)