John Bigelow
- Born: 26 May 1802, Westminster MA
- Marriage (1): Lydia Richardson Starr on 1 Dec 1830 in Boston MA
- Died: 2 Jan 1878, Boston MA
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1830-1835 as a silversmith and jeweler in Boston MA
Noted in Boston directories for these years as a jeweler. 3

- He was a partner in 1836-1839 with Alanson Bigelow in Boston MA as JOHN BIGELOW & Co. 3
- Letter From Rufus Davenport Dunbar
Private Collection
Worcester April 30 1836
Messrs J. Bigelow & Co Gent. I write ___ informing you that the store is so nearly completed that it will be expedient for one of you to come up as soon as Tuesday next for the purpose of taking an account of stock & consummation of our copartnership. We should be happy to see Mrs Bigelow with you. I will be ready to go immediately about taking the account Tuesday morning so as not to detain you more than 2 or 3 days at most — if I hear nothing from you presently I will expect you at this time Yours very Resp yRufus D. Dunbar |

- He was a partner in 1845-1847 with Alanson and Abraham Orlando Bigelow in Boston MA as BIGELOW & BROS., listed in the 1845 city directory at 62 Washington Street. 3

- Alternate Mark for BIGELOW & BROTHERS.

- Letter from Josiah Mixer Barnes
Private Collection
Manchester July 24th 1848 Gentlemen --- I write to inform you that Sargent & Sweat of Manchester have failed, & the stock in their store is now under attachment for all it will bare [sic] In conversation with Mr Sargent he told me he owed you about $400. --- Also he said his partner went up Country [text missing] weeks since with goods to sell & since he left no word has been received from him --- he went to Hanover NH. He had $3000. worth of goods with him & if you could find his whereabouts there would be a fair probability of receiving your demand. They are to appearance slippery fellows & what you do ought to be done soon. My impression is that you cannot secure one cent in Manchester.
Respectfully Yours Josiah M Barnes J. & S. Barnes P S Sargent has just been carried to Jaile for not paying his Taxes. I have just learned from a man that he saw him Sweat one week since in Norwich Ct --- |
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Boston MA, listed as a watch merchant.
- He appeared on the 1855 census taken at Boston MA, listed as a watchmaker.

- Tradecard, Bef 1860
Private Collection
- He worked in 1860-1867 as a silversmith and jeweler in Boston MA
Listed in New England Business Directory for 1865 and Mercantile Agency U. S. Business Directory for 1867. 3
John married Lydia Richardson Starr on 1 Dec 1830 in Boston MA. (Lydia Richardson Starr was born on 21 Aug 1805 in Stoneham MA and died in 1880 in Boston MA.)