William Coley
- Born: London, England
- Marriage (1): Phoebe Harrison on 13 Aug 1749 in St. Martin, Birmingham, England
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:
- He worked before 1765 as a silversmith and jeweler in London, England
- He was a partner in 1765-1766 with Simeon Coley in New York City NY
- Advertised in the The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy (New York City NY), 11 Sep 1766,
Notice is hereby given, that the partnerships between Simeon and William Coley, silver-smiths in New York, is now dissolv'd and ended, and all persons indebted to the said partnership, are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the same; and all persons having any demands are desired to bring in their accounts, that they may be satisfied, to Simeon Coley, at this house near the coffee-house, where he carries on the said business as usual, and takes this opportunity of returning his hearty Thanks to those gentlemen and ladies, who have been pleased to honour him with their commands, and hopes for a continuance of their favours, as he shall always make it his principal study to merit the same. He has now for sale, just imported a fresh and curious assortment of Jewellery, viz. garnet necklaces and ear rings, paste ditto, curious sets of paste buckles, corals and coral necklaces, for children, and various other articles.
- He worked circa 1767-1783 as a silversmith and jeweler in New York City NY

- Alternate Mark purporting to be VAN VOORHIS & COLEY, this mark is a modern forgery.

- Vermont copper penny, 1786
Private Collection
Produced by partnership of COLEY & VAN VOORHIS. Die cut by William Coley and minting by Van Voorhis.
- He worked circa 1790-1816 as a silversmith and jeweler in New York City NY
William married Phoebe Harrison on 13 Aug 1749 in St. Martin, Birmingham, England.