Aaron Josselyn
- Born: 4 May 1804, Pembroke MA
- Marriage (1): Ann Binney on 15 Aug 1825
- Died: 17 Aug 1887, Cambridge MA
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He worked in 1836-1866 as a watchmaker in Duxbury MA
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Duxbury MA, listed as a watchmaker.

- Watch paper, c 1850
American Antiquarian Society
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Duxbury MA, listed as a watchmaker.
- He worked after 1866 as a watchmaker in Cambridge MA
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Cambridge MA, listed as a watchmaker.
- Obituary printed in the Cambridge Press (Cambridge MA) on 20 Aug 1887
Death of an Old Resident.
By the death of Rev. Aaron Josselyn, which occurred at his residence, No. 147 Cambridge street, a few minutes before 12 o'clock Wednesday night, this Ward loses another old and respected citizen. The deceased, although over eighty-three years old, was seriously ill but a week previous to his demise, and to many his death was a surprise, as it was not generally known that he was ill. Rev. Mr. Josselyn was born in Hanover, Mass., May 4th, 1804. Here be spent his boyhood and remained up to the time of his selecting his trade, which was that of a watchmaker, which business he learned at Hingham with one familiarly called "Quaker" Wilder. In those days an apprentice had to serve seven years before he was given his time and consequently whenever a trade was learned it was understood thoroughly, and it was so in the case of Mr. Josselyn, he being accounted a watchmaker second to none. When the deceased had spent the customary number of years with "Quaker" Wilder he commenced studying for the ministry and entered the New England Conference of the M.E. Church in 1825, which singularly enough was held that year in this Ward, the future home of Mr. Josselyn. After his admittance he was stationed at different times at Ipswich, Saugus, Pembroke, Martha's Vineyard and Gloucester; in the latter place on two occasions. In 1836 he settled in Duxbury, where he worked at his trade and not unfrequently supplied various neighboring pulpits. He remained there till 1866, in which year he came to this Ward and opened the watchmaking establishment at No. 62 Cambridge street, which he presided over up to the time of his last sickness. During his residence in this section be officiated at many funerals, especially in the summer season, when the resident ministers were on vacations.
Aaron married Ann Binney on 15 Aug 1825. (Ann Binney was born about 1804 in Pembroke MA and died on 5 Mar 1873 in Cambridge MA.)