William Haverstick
- Born: 1780, Philadelphia PA
- Marriage (1): Catherine Musser on 28 Sep 1803
- Died: 1859, Philadelphia PA
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1803-1811 as a silversmith and jeweler in Lancaster PA 59
- Advertised in the Lancaster Journal (Lancaster PA), 30 Apr 1803, announcing "William Haverstick Jun Goldsmith and Jeweller has commenced business in the house occupied by Mr. Whitesides, North Queen Street, directly opposite Mr. Bausman's Tavern where he has for sale an handsome assortment of silverware and jewellery which he will dispose of on reasonable terms."
- Advertised in the Lancaster Journal (Lancaster PA), 7 Dec 1804, announcing "William Haverstick, Junr Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has removed to the house lately occupied by Michael Hubley Esq. deceased, in North Queen Street, two doors from the Court-House where he has just received and offers for sale a general assortment of Groceries and Liquors of the first Quality, a quantity of fine and coarse salt, and spermaceti oil, with a large and general assortment of China, Glass and Queensware all of which will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms. He still continues to carry on his former business of goldsmith and jeweller, in all its branches, and has now on hand and will always keep a general assortment of Silver Ware and Jewellery"
- Advertised in the Lancaster Journal (Lancaster PA), 20 Oct 1810, announcing "New Establishment of China Glass and Queen's Ware William Haverstick, Jun. and Co. No. 172 Market Street Philadelphia Import direct from the manufacturers, and keep constantly on hand and for sale at the most moderate prices a general assortment of China Glass and Queen's Ware And having formed connections with the manufacturers in Europe, will be enabled and are determined to render goods in their line, on the most advantageous terms." 4,43
- He worked after 1810 as a merchant in Philadelphia PA 4,43
William married Catherine Musser, daughter of George Musser and Mary Christianna Young, on 28 Sep 1803. (Catherine Musser was born on 30 Jan 1781 in Lancaster PA and died on 26 Jul 1868.)