William Haverstick
- Born: 28 Oct 1756, Conestoga, Lancaster, PA
- Marriage (1): Maria Deschler on 10 Jun 1779 in Philadelphia PA
- Died: 31 Oct 1823, Philadelphia PA
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1780-1795 as a silversmith and jeweler in Philadelphia PA 59
- He worked after Oct 1795 as a silversmith and jeweler in Lancaster PA 59
- Advertised in the Lancaster Journal (Lancaster PA), 9 Dec 1797, announcing "WILLIAM HAVERSTICK Goldsmith and Jeweller Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he continues carrying on the Goldsmith and Jeweller's Business in its various branches, in the house of Mr. Frederick Heitz in King Street, East of the Court-House, opposite to Mr. John Hubley's where he has on hand a Large and Elegant Assortment of Gold and Silverware. And, in addition to his Store, he has just received a very neat and well chosen assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, with a variety of China, Glass and Queens Ware; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. He returns his sincere thanks to his friends and customers for their favours since he commenced business in this place, and hopes for such future encouragement as his strict attention and punctuality shall be found to merit."
- Obituary printed in the Lancaster Journal (Lancaster PA) on 7 Nov 1823
"Suddenly in Philadelphia, on Friday morning last, Mr. William Haverstick, Sen. in the 68th year of his age."
William married Maria Deschler on 10 Jun 1779 in Philadelphia PA. (Maria Deschler was born in 1759 and died on 28 Jun 1843.)