Peter Mood
- Born: May 1766, Oxford PA
- Marriage (1): Mary Dorothy Sigwald about Dec 1787 in Charleston SC
- Died: 21 Oct 1821, Charleston SC
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1785-1816 as a silversmith in Charleston SC

- Chantelain hook, c 1790
Winterthur Library
l: 2 3/8"
w: 1"
- Master to John Mood Abt 1805 in Charleston SC.
- 1810: He served with silversmiths William Purse and Charles Paxton Butler, as appraisers of the estate of John G. D. Meurset, silversmith.
- He was a partner in 1816-1819 with John Mood in Charleston SC as PETER MOOD & SON
- He was a partner in 1819-1821 with John and Peter Mood in Charleston SC as PETER MOOD & SONS
Peter married Mary Dorothy Sigwald about Dec 1787 in Charleston SC. (Mary Dorothy Sigwald was born on 21 Sep 1766 in Charleston SC and died about Jul 1819 in Charleston SC.)