John Brevoort
- Born: 8 Sep 1715, New York City NY
- Marriage (1): Louisa Abigail Kocherthal on 30 Jul 1739
- Died: Jan 1775, New York City NY
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1740-1775 as a silversmith in New York City NY

- Teapot, c 1740
Private Collection
h: 7 1/2"
wt: 22 oz
Engraved C * H on base.

- Teapot, c 1740
Clark Art Institute
h: 7 1/2"
wt: 22 oz
- Made freeman of New York City NY, 23 Sep 1742. 8

- Tankard, c 1745
Private Collection
h: 7 1/4"
wt: 40 oz
- An advertisement appeared in the The New-York Gazette (New York City NY), 6 Oct 1760
"Stolen on Sunday Night the 21st of September last, out of the House of Nicholas Burger, living in Queen-street, in this City, One Silver Tea Pot, and one Cream Pot, and six Silver Table Spoons, a Silver Sugar Tongs, and six Tea Spoons, Made by Mr. John Brevoort, stamp't with his Stamp thus, I B V, in a Circle, and mark'd on the Bottom of the Tea Pot and Cream Pot thus, NBI and on the Handles of the Table Spoons the same; and on the Tea Spoons IVD. Whoever will give any Information about the said Things, so that they may be had again, or the Thief apprehended, shall have Five Pounds Reward, paid by Nicholas Burger.
N.B. If offer'd to be pawn'd, or sold, pray stop the same, and the Person who offers it."

- Tankard, c 1764
Private Collection
h: 7"
wt: 40 oz
Engraved on front with the arms of the Collegiate Protestant Dutch Reformed Church of New York in a rococo cartouche. Engraved under the base "THE GIFT OF THE CONSISTORY OF THE DUTCH CHURCH OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK / TO THE REV.D MR. DAVID LONGUIVILLE AT AMSTERDAM 1764" This tankard and two others were commissioned by the Consistory of the Dutch Church of New York as gifts for three Dutch clergymen who had been instrumental in securing an English-speaking minister for the Church, of which Brevoort was a member.
John married Louisa Abigail Kocherthal, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 30 Jul 1739. (Louisa Abigail Kocherthal was born on 26 Feb 1710 in New York City NY.)