American Silversmiths

John Y. Bettys


Family Links


1. Caroline Melintha Akin

John Y. Bettys
  • Born: 31 Mar 1835, Tully NY
  • Marriage (1): Caroline Melintha Akin in 1869 in Auburn NY
  • Died: 9 May 1921, Auburn NY

  General notes:


  Events in his life were:

  • He was a partner in 1860-1883 with James Hyde in Auburn NY as HYDE & BETTY's, with a shop at 76 Genesee Street and later at 94 Genesee.
  • He appeared on the 1875 census taken at Auburn NY, listed as a jeweler.
  • He appeared on the 1880 census taken at Auburn NY, listed as a jeweler.
  • Announcement in the Weekly News & Democrat (Auburn NY), 18 Jan 1883,
    An Old Firm Dissolved
    The dissolution of the firm of Hyde & Bettys, one of the oldest in the jewelry trade in Auburn, is announced to-day. This old and reliable house has been one of the landmarks of the city in a business view. The firm, Messrs. James Hyde and John Y. Bettys, have been associated together for nearly a quarter of a century, and by their application to business have built an establishment to be proud of, one of the leading stores of the street. Mr. Hyde now retires, leaving Mr. Bettys to continue the prosperous business, at the old location in the Stewart Block. Mr. Bettys is a gentleman with whom it is a pleasure to deal, and the very many friends of the old firm wish him continued success in the future.
  • He was a partner circa 1885 with William C. Crosman in Auburn NY as BETTYS & CROSMAN

  • Tradecard, c 1885
    Private Collection

John married Caroline Melintha Akin in 1869 in Auburn NY. (Caroline Melintha Akin was born on 8 Mar 1847 in Auburn NY.)

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