Martin Hale Crane
- Born: 27 Sep 1821, Springfield MA
- Marriage (1): Sallie Phillips on 29 Jun 1852 in Cincinnati OH
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He was a partner circa 1850-1880 with ? Breed in Cincinnati OH as CRANE, BREED & Co., manufacturers of stoves and plated holloware. In 1853 they purchased the Fisk Metallic Burial Case Company and quickly began large-scale production.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Cincinnati OH, listed as a foundry manager.

- He was issued design patent number 8,395 on 13 Jun 1875
Specification forming part of Design No. 8,395, dated June 13, 1875; application filed May 12, 1875
[Term of patent 7 years.]
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, MARTIN H. CRANE, of Cincinnati, Hamilton county, Ohio, hare originated a new and ornamental Design for Coffin-Handles, of which the following is a specification :
My design is for a pendent or tasseled handle, as in the accompanying drawing, in which—
Figure 1 is a perspective view. Fig. 2 is an end view of the handle proper. Fig. 3 represents an end tassel or pendent handle.
A are ears of the represented octagonal contour, from whose central portions project nipples or bosses a', having longitudinal ridges.
The portion immediately surrounding the nipple may have a wreath, which in turn is inclosed in an octagonal panel, as represented in Fig. 1. The portions outside the panel may be decorated by cross-hatchings or a reticulated pattern or figure, as in said figure. Proceeding from the nipples are cords B, which may be of silk or gold or silver lace or filagree. The cords B terminate in silk, gold, silver or other suitable tassels C. Two or more of these handles may be connected, so as to form a handle proper, D D'. Suitable, tassels C could then be applied to the ends of the cords. D represents a single bell-formed pendant.
I claim as new and of my origination—
1. The ears A a'', formed and decorated as represented.
2. The bell-formed pendant, constituting a handle proper, formed and decorated as shown.
3. The design for coffin-handle, substantially as above set forth.
Martin H. Crane
Geo. H. Knight
James H. Layman
- He appeared on the 1880 census taken at Cincinnati OH, listed as a coffin manufacturer.
Martin married Sallie Phillips on 29 Jun 1852 in Cincinnati OH. (Sallie Phillips was born on 31 May 1822 in Dayton OH.)