Thomas Pearsall
- Born: 13 Sep 1744, Cow Neck NY
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Dobson on 13 Nov 1765 in New York City NY
- Died: 28 Jan 1825
General notes:
Silversmith and clockmaker
Events in his life were:
- He was a partner in 1765-1773 with Joseph Pearsall in New York City NY as J & T PEARSALL. 16
- Advertised in the The New York Journal or the General Advertiser (New York City NY), 17 Jun 1773, announcing the dissolution of the partnership “the first of May last. . . Joseph Pearsall, has removed to the House lately occupied by Robert and John Murray, Merchants, between Burling’s and Beekman’s Slip; where he carries on the business in the Watch and Clock Way as usual”
- Advertised in the The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser (New York City NY), 9 Sep 1773,
"Left for Sale with Mr. Thomas Pearsal, [sic] at his Shop, between Beekman and Burling's Slip, in Queen Street, A very good Gold repeating Watch, which can be recommended by the Watch-Maker who examined it, as a Piece of extraordinary good workmanship, and will be disposed of at a very low Price."
- He worked circa 1774-1785 as a silversmith and clockmaker in New York City NY
- Advertised in the Rivington's New-York Gazetteer (New York City NY), 3 Feb 1774,
"Thomas Pearsall, Watch-Maker, Between Beekman and Burling-Slip, Has For Sale, very neat Clocks in Mahogany Cases; moon'd and plain jappan'd and spring ditto; likewise a very good Assortment of new Watches, Day of the Month, capt and plain do. which he will sell at the most reasonable Rates, for Cash or short Credit."

- Carriage clock, c 1775-1780
Private Collection
photo courtesy of Gary R. Sullivan Antiques Inc.
Thomas married Elizabeth Dobson on 13 Nov 1765 in New York City NY. (Elizabeth Dobson was born on 10 Jan 1744 in Flushing NY and died on 4 Feb 1813.)