These pages are a quick reference for collectors and contain the 8730 silversmiths, jewelers, watchmakers, and other related craftsmen included in my larger, single tree genealogical study of

American Silversmiths

Included here is the information and images I have gathered as of 04 June 2024.
I would appreciate any assistance that increases either.

I am pleased to note that the work presented here is now being permanently archived by the Library of Congress

Table of Contents

Index of Names Index of Initial Marks

Index of Silversmiths Index of Pewtersmiths Index of Jewelers

Index of Watch & Clockmakers Index of Other Craftsmen

Index of Examples Index of Patent Holders Index of Patrons

Index of City Directories Brix's Philadelphia Silversmiths

Beckman's Cincinnati Ohio Silversmiths Partnerships

Silversmiths sorted by State Jewelers sorted by State

Masters and Apprentices List of Surnames List of Sources

Please feel free to email me with any questions, suggestions or corrections.

Send E-mail to Wm Erik Voss at


William Robert Thele, Jr.

Richard Bassett

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and polished using Dennis Kowallek's adroit LTools

© Wm Erik Voss 2014