Isaac Parker
- Born: 9 Jul 1749, Charlestown MA
- Marriage (1): Deborah Williams on 27 Jun 1776 in Roxbury MA
- Died: 1805, Boston MA
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:
- Apprenticed in 1763-1770 to John Welch in Boston MA
- He worked in 1770-1776 as a silversmith in Boston MA perhaps as a journeyman in his master's shop. 9
- He worked circa 1776-1788 as a silversmith in Deerfield MA on the South side of Albany Road. 3

- Cream pot, 1776-1779
Historic Deerfield
- Master to John Russell Abt 1780 in Deerfield MA. 3
- He worked in 1789-1805 as a merchant in Boston MA
Listed in city directories first at no. 1 and later at no. 52 Long Wharf.
Isaac married Deborah Williams on 27 Jun 1776 in Roxbury MA. (Deborah Williams was born on 6 Jun 1753 in Boston MA and died in 1838.)