Charles Fosdick Fletcher
- Born: 14 Jan 1794, Lancaster MA
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:
- He worked in 1808-1810 as a clerk in Boston MA for the firm of FLETCHER & GARDINER.
- He worked in 1811-1816 as a clerk in Philadelphia PA for the firm of FLETCHER & GARDINER.
- Letter from Henry Fletcher
Private Collection
Boston July 11th 1815 Dear Charles Yours by Mr. Frobisher [Benjamin C. Frobisher?] has come to hand. I have procured an advance book for you, and shall send it by the 20th Packet which I expect will sail today. I have also sent some letters from Lancaster and one from our mother who is now in Boston you have sent some spoons but no directions about delievering them. I suppose they are for a gentleman in Exeter who called upon me sometime ago about them. I wish you would be more particular. I shall deliver them according to his directions another payment has become due to our Sir according to Thomas's direction and I suppose he is in want of money. I shall send it to him when mother returns I have rec'd the payt of D & B's [DAVIS & BROWN] bill. They said they measured the chain very accurate and it fell short two inches therefore deducted 25/100 from the bill. Remember me to George Yours as ever Henry Fletcher |
- He worked in 1816-1818 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Philadelphia PA listed in city directory.
- Letter from Lewis Veron
Private Collection
Birmingham 5th June 1817 Dear Charles, I have been quite disappointed in not hearing from you since we parted. I should have written you before had I not been so busily employed but really till within a few weeks I have scarcely found time to write to my mother & sisters. I was glad to hear from Mr. Fletcher in a letter dated soon after I left Phila that you had received a part of the stolen Goods, but I have not heard any thing further on the business since. I hope soon to be favored with more particulars from you, but don't fill your letter with the subject only, as Mr. F did -- he began and ended with an account of all the Cobblers Shops, Oyster Cellars, and Knocking Shops to be found in Philad and Baltimore. I expected you would have written me a long letter and let me know how you are getting on, and what alterations have taken place in the circle of our female friends, as you are a great Beaux amongst them, and the only one in our family who would feel interested in writing about such affairs. I look to you for every particular. You know what it is Charles to be tickled with the feathers of Cupid and how gratifying it would be for me to receive your remarks on the state of matters & things in Philad. I allude to you and Miss H. R. therefore don't misconstrue these few lines. I suppose you have made considerable progress into her good graces -- I was agoing to get you to convey a message to a young lady in Philad but upon second thought I concluded it would be improper to do so through a Gent, therefore we'll say nothing about you know who I mean -- If I should not receive any letters from you before you receive this, I shall certainly calculate upon your writing me after, and then you must not fail to mention everything that you think will be interesting -- Among the goods I have sent Baldwin, are some well calculated for your Sales and I hope to hear that you have favored us with a portion of your business -- certainly no one can furnish you with better articles or cheaper, but of this you must be the best judge -- I was thinking the other day how rapidly my time passed away, it seems almost impossible that it can be nearly seven months since I left Philad, it is a pretty good proof that I have been well employed and after passing as many more in this Country I shall prepare for my departure to join you in Philad, tho I could almost wish to remain on account of the advantages to trading goods here -- You must remember me to all my acquaintances and be sure to write to your sincere friend Lewis Veron |
- Letter from Hannah Fletcher
Private Collection
Leominster Feb 2d 1818 My Dear brother I was very much rejoiced yesterday to think that I had once more the pleasure of receiving a letter from you, though in a very laconic stile [sic] it was read with a great deal of pleasure – you never need to be at a loss for something to write about for every thing that concerns my brother and children is interesting to me. What a blessing it is to hear from my children – You say you have a shop and you still keep it. I am thankful that it is so and that you have health and an appetite to go to your Dinner and Oh! that I was one of the happy friends that you visit in the evening – it is an old saying and I believe a true one that if you keep your shop your shop will keep you and I hope that you will have the good fortune to experience both to your satisfaction – I find that amidst all your boasted happiness that you have had exceptions which proves that there is no perfect happiness on this side of the grave. |

- He was a partner in 1819-1824 with George Fletcher in Philadelphia PA as C. & G. FLETCHER, with a shop on Chestnut Street near Fourth.
- Letter from George Fletcher
Private Collection
Pittsburgh May 20th 1819 Dear brother
I arrived in this place on Tuesday after a pleasant but fatigueing journey, — and yesterday I had the pleasure of receiving your favor of 12th inst- which as far as related to my friends, gave me much pleasure, but concerning business it was not very flattering, — unluckily for us there has been a person through this place but three or four days ago, with jewellery from New York, who has gone on to Louisville to meet more goods by the way of New Orleans — and one of Dosey's men is now here who arrived just before me, the first who have been here for six months, I believe otherwise sales would have been good, — if instead of waiting for Bodrano's work, I had taken that amount, of fine Gilt Jewellery of GV & Co, and been here a week sooner I think I could have sold at least for $1000.-- in this place at good prices, provided I gave the same credit that others do — if it was not necessary for me to go on to the Southward, to sell my rich jewellery, I would have you send a large assortment of Gilt Jewellery and some watch materials, and I would return to this place, but perhaps it will be better for one of us to come out in the fall — we shall then know what will suit the market. — goods are generally sold at 6 months credit. — and I believe I shall sometimes give a short credit with a good endorsement. I was fortunate enough to sell a few goods in Harrisburg which enabled me to defray my expenses to this place — after seeing the stores here, I am more confident that Henry will be able to keep John Burtwell profitably employed, chiefly in jobing, with but little extra expense. Mr. Whiting has been absent from here sometime, down the River, — he is expected here to-day but more than probable he will not be up in time for me to see him, I requested George to write to me concerning Mr. Willinks acct. but he has not. — I saw him, and his wife, in the street to day, but I have no instructions to call on him. G. Fletcher — Pittsburg |
- Letter from Joshua Fletcher
Private Collection
Lancaster Feb'y 14th 1820 Dear Brother I rec'd your letter of the first instant last friday also the one you sent in the box & the watch came safely to me. I had six doz knifes & forks, & 1 do of spoons which were charg'd on the bill at $7/80 cts which I have dispos'd of the best way I could but for less prices than you sent on the bill for money is so scarce that they sell such articles much cheaper here now --- Watches are cheap and will sell but I think if you sent silver ones that were set agoing I might dispose of some at prices from ten to fifteen Dollars if you could wait a year or more for your pay --- I meant to have sent you some boots & shoes when your cloth went but I have been so destitute for money this winter that I could not procure stock to make them. Your cloth was sent by Levi last Saturday. Father & Maryann went down with him. Eleanor has been sick & confin'd to her room under the Doct's care for more than a fortnite this winter but she is much better now. I should have wrote to you before but we have had a severe cold winter here & my time has been so constantly employ'd to keep my family comfortable that I have been obliged to take a large part of the time which nature requires for sleep so you must excuse my not writing sooner. I remain as ever your Brother Joshua Fletcher |
- Letter from Joshua Fletcher
Private Collection
Lancaster Feb'y 29th 1820 Dear Brother Yours of 19th inst is rec'd The one you wrote to Levi did not come till after he left this place for Cambridge but was forwarded to him there immediately for he would have to pay twenty five cents per day in addition to his bill after the vacation was out till it was paid. I think I could sell three or four watches that would keep time where the pay would be more at the close of the year & perhaps more if I had them soon if you put them as cheap as they can be bought else where. I can sell a few more silver knifes & forks and take produce next summer which by sending to market will sell for money but you can do as you please about sending them. I wish you would inquire how boots & shoes are selling at the shoestores in your city & see if you could sell some if I sent them that were handsome & good. I want to continue to do more business or give it up entirely. We are all well here give my love to George and accept the same yourself -- Your Brother Joshua Fletcher |
- Letter from Leonard Fletcher
Private Collection
Columbian College / District of Columbia / Sept 15. 1821 Dear Cousin Be pleased to excuse the liberty I take in writing and inform me if you please respecting the suit of R & W Wilson and what they intend doing. If they are determined to [con]tinue the suit I must make different arrangements respecting my affairs for my father is not able nor can he pay the debt and to keep him from being distressed I must return home. I wish you would look to my Cloak that it does not become motheaten for I intend to redeem it as soon as possible for me to get the money. Inform me if you can where Pennoyer is and what about. I called on John P. Foridis the other day but had not the pleasure of seeing his wife she was indisposed. He lives in very handsome style and has a good run of business. Give me all the information you can write soon and you will confer favor on
L. Fletcher
C. Fletcher |
- He worked in 1824-1825 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Philadelphia PA listed in city directory with shop on North-East corner of Chestnut and 3rd Streets.
- He worked in 1829-1833 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Philadelphia PA listed in city directory.
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Washington DC, listed without occupation.
- Schematic map of the Fletcher & Bennett family business connections.
Red lines indicate formal partnerships; green lines informal dealings. Click an individual to go to their page.