Joseph Anthony
- Born: 15 Jan 1762, Portsmouth RI
- Marriage (1): Henrietta Hillegas on 29 Oct 1785 in Philadelphia PA
- Died: 5 Aug 1814, Harrisburg Philadelphia PA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1783-1809 as a gold- and silversmith in Philadelphia PA 4
- Advertised in the Pennsylvania Journal (Philadelphia PA), 11 Oct 1783, as a silversmith at "Market Street, two doors East of the Indian King." The Indian King was at what is now 240 Market Street.

- Hoop tankard, c 1788
Private Collection 20
h: 6 7/8"
Presented by John Penn to Gunning Bedford.

- Tradecard, c 1790
Winterthur Library

- Marrow spoon, c 1790-1800
Private Collection
l: 9"
- Advertised in the Pennsylvania Packet (Philadelphia PA), 5 Jan 1790,
"ANTHONY, JOSEPH, JR., Goldsmith, Has just received by the Brig Lyon, Captain Smith, from London A Fresh Supply of Plated Ware and Jewellery, Immediately from the Manufactories, most of which are entire new Patterns: Octagon plated tea urns, chased and engraved, Oval sugar and cream basons with blue glasses, Do. wire butter coolers with do., Wine and water frames, with and without handles, soup ladles, sugar tongs, tea shells and salt spoons, Plated snuffers and trays & Also, a few blue glasses for salts, With A great variety of sett shoe and knee buckles, Gold, gilt, and fancy chain earrings, Ladies and gentlemens watch chains and strings, A few small cut steel beads, Shagreen and fish skin cases with lancets, Miniature picture and locket cases, Steel and gilt hat buckles, and a few inlaid mahogany knife cases."
- Advertised in the Pennsylvania Packet (Philadelphia PA), 16 Apr 1791, announcing "Tea Urns: A very elegant assortment just received by the Birmingham Packet, and for Sale by Joseph Anthony, Jr. No. 76, Market-street, Philadelphia."

- Receipt, 30 Apr 1791
Winterthur Library
Joseph married Henrietta Hillegas on 29 Oct 1785 in Philadelphia PA. (Henrietta Hillegas was born on 23 Sep 1766 in Philadelphia PA and died on 3 Oct 1812 in Philadelphia PA.)