Horace Goodwin
- Born: 11 Sep 1787, Hartford CT
- Marriage (1): Mary Ramsey on 29 Nov 1812 in Hartford CT
- Died: 14 May 1864, Hartford CT
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Flynt & Fales:, . 3 Grew up on father's farm on the Windsor road. No record of his apprenticeship, but it is possible it was in New Britain CT where he first worked on his own. He moved on to Vermont for a short time before returning to Hartford CT in 1810. He gave up silversmithing in 1852 to sell music. Prominent member of Masonic fraternity. Sometimes used "2d" after his name so as not to be confused with a potter of the same name in Hartford.
- Advertised in the American Mercury, 8 Aug 1810, that he had just taken stand previously occupied by Nathan Allen and from there carried on the watchmaking business in all its branches, plus the gold, silver, and plated wares he listed. 3

- He was a partner in 1811-1821 with Thomas Dodd in Hartford CT as GOODWIN & DODD, taking over stand and watch and silversmith business of HEYDORN & IMLAY. 4

- Advertised in the American Mercury, 21 Mar 1811, in co-partnership with Thomas Dodd, taking over the stand and watch and silversmith business of HEYDORN & IMLAY. 3

- Watch paper for GOODWIN & DODD, c 1815
American Antiquarian Society

- He was a partner in 1821-1825 with Allyn Goodwin in Hartford CT as H. &. A. GOODWIN. 3

- Mug, c 1823
Private Collection 14
h: 4 1/2"
Inscription HARTFORD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY above upper decorative band; PREMIUM / TO / FREDERICK OAKES / for the best Cultivated Farm / AD 1823
Frederick Oakes (1782-1835) worked in Hartford as a gold and silversmith, clock and watchmaker and jeweler from c. 1803 on, usually in partnership with another craftsman until 1820, after which date he worked alone. He was also active in the real estate business, and was a gentlemen farmer. He created a prize-winning farm in West Hartford, for which he received this mug from the Hartford County Agricultural Society, one of a number of prizes which he won up to 1829 while a member of the Society.
- He worked in 1825-1852 as a silversmith and jeweler in Hartford CT
Listed in the 1828 city directory at 93 Main Street. 3

- Watch paper, c 1839
American Antiquarian Society
- Advertised in the Geer's City Directory (Hartford CT), 1845,
Horace Goodwin 2d., Wholesale and Retail dealer in Fine Watches, Clocks, Time Pieces, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Britannia Ware, Cutlery, Looking Glasses, Sheet Music, Musical Instruments, and Military Goods, of every description. Also, manufacturer and dealer in Piano Fortes, 166 Main St. Hartford.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Hartford CT, listed as a jeweler.
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Hartford CT, listed without occupation.
Horace married Mary Ramsey on 29 Nov 1812 in Hartford CT. (Mary Ramsey was born on 4 Oct 1789 in Hartford CT and died on 6 Sep 1858 in Hartford CT.)