Bartholomew Schaats
- Born: Abt 1683, Albany NY
- Marriage (1): Christina Kermer on 28 Nov 1706 in New York City NY
- Marriage (2): Jacoba Lewis on 21 Apr 1734 in New York City NY
- Died: Jul 1758, New York City NY
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1700-1750 as a silversmith in New York City NY

- Tankard, c 1700-1710
New York City NY 13
h: 7 1/8"
d: 5 3/8" (of base)
wt: 29 oz, 8 dwt
Engraved on front with the Collins arms.
- Made freeman of New York City NY, 22 May 1708.

- Teapot, c 1728
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 33
h: 6 1/2"
d: 2 7/8" (of base)
Engraved on bottom S B for Sarah Bogert.

- Porringer, c 1730
Winterthur Library
h: 1 3/4"
d: 4 3/4" (of bowl)
Engraved "T over I * E"

- Sword, c 1730-1740
Metropolitan Museum of Art
- He wrote his will on 14 Jul 1758 in New York City NY
In the name of God, Amen. I, Bartholemew Skaats of New York, gold smith, being weak in body. I leave to my son, Rynier Skaats, my negro man "Caesar." I leave to my grand son Bartholemew Skaats, 10 pounds. I leave to my wife Jacoba all the rest of my real and personal estate, during the time of her natural life, with power to go see or lease if she thinks proper. After her death, 1/3 to my grand sons Jacobus Varrick and John Varrick, sons of my daughter Anne, late wife of John Varrick deceased. I make my wife and my son Rynier and my daughter Francina, executors.
Witness, Myndert Schuyler, Anthony Ungter, mariner, John Burnet.
Proved September 4, 1758.
Bartholomew married Christina Kermer on 28 Nov 1706 in New York City NY. (Christina Kermer was born on 13 Dec 1685 in New York City NY and died on 11 Nov 1731 in New York City NY.)
Bartholomew next married Jacoba Lewis on 21 Apr 1734 in New York City NY. (Jacoba Lewis was born in 1697 in New York City NY and was christened on 12 Sep 1697 in New York City NY.)