Leonard Perkins
- Born: 11 Nov 1796, Norwich CT
- Marriage (1): Mary Belton on 22 Jan 1824 in Milledgeville GA
- Marriage (2): Helen Rogers Wyckoff on 6 Apr 1836 in Norwich CT
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He was a partner on 14 Apr 1818-1820 with Cyprian Wilcox in Sparta GA as WILCOX & PERKINS. 13
- Advertised in the Georgia Journal, 16 Apr 1820, "late of the firm WILCOX & PERKINS, Sparta", announced a new watch and jewelry store in Milledgeville, on the corner of Wayne and Hancock Streets, where he offered for sale watches, clocks, spoons of all kinds, butter knives, sets of Britannia ware, and one set of silver plate. Old gold and silver would be received for any of the above articles. Similar advertisements appeared in 1821. 13
- Advertised in the Georgia Journal, 20 May 1822, notifying the public that he had moved his establishment into Messrs. Carter & Boykin's Row, opposite Mr. McCoomb's Tavern. Fancy hardware, such as razors and compasses, was added to his stock, and watches and clocks were repaired. 13
- Advertised in the Georgia Journal, Nov 1824, that he had employed a good watchmaker, Jacob Fogle, "which would enable him to accommodate his friends on short notice and on living terms." 13
- Advertised in the Georgia Journal, 15 Jun 1829, that he had "entered into an arrangement with Mr. J. Fogle, an experienced workman (who has for four years executed the mechanical part of his business) by which he is to take the whole charge of the watch and clock repairing. . . . Mr. F. is interested in no other branch of the business and will devote his particular attention to the above." 13
- Advertised in the Statesman & Patriot, 31 Mar 1831, that he had sold his business to Jacob Fogle, who had assisted him for six years past. He acknowledged all the favors he had received, and informed the people that he expected soon to leave Milledgeville.
Leonard married Mary Belton on 22 Jan 1824 in Milledgeville GA.
Leonard next married Helen Rogers Wyckoff on 6 Apr 1836 in Norwich CT. (Helen Rogers Wyckoff was born on 20 Nov 1807 in New York City NY and died on 13 Dec 1887 in New York City NY.)