Silas White Howell
- Born: 22 Feb 1770, Morristown NJ
- Marriage (1): Hannah Arnold on 13 Nov 1792 in Morristown NJ
- Died: 1818, Quality Hill NY
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and clockmaker
Events in his life were:

- Advertised in the Guardian or New Brunswick Advertiser (Morristown NJ), 6 May 1794, as a clockmaker, jeweler, and silversmith 4
- He was a partner in 1797-1798 with ? Arnold in Albany NY as HOWELL & ARNOLD. 4
- Advertised in the Albany Centenial (Albany NY), 22 Dec 1801,
Silas W. Howel,
Opposite the City Hall, Court-Street
Has Recently Recieved,
A fresh addition to his former assortment of
Silver & Plated Goods
Jewelry &c.
Also the following articles:
Two very complete surveyor's compasses; brass andirons, shovels and tongs; guns, pistols, swords, epilaulets, and almost every other article in the military line; silver mounted whips, from Amory's factory, which are acknowledgede to be of a very superior quality; needles by the thousand; powder and shot; ivory combs; table knives and forks, by the gross or set; pen knives, by the dozen or single; scissors, do.; metal table spoons, do.; and the most extensive assortment of warrented an common gold and silver Watches, ever offered for sale in this city, and at a very reduced prices — also, a neat assortment of eight day Clocks and Cases; and watch and clockmaker's and silversmith's materials of almost every description.
All kinds of silver plate and gold work will be manufactured at a short notice, and in the best manner. Those persons who are kind enough to favor him with their custom, may depend on having their goods as lows as they are generally retailed in New-York, and many articles much lower. He begs his freinds and customers to accept this tender of his most grateful acknowledgements for their very liberal support in the different branches of his business, and hopes that by the arrangements which he has lately made, to enabled to execute, with punctuality, any orders which his friends and the public may please to favor him with.
- He was a partner in 1801 with John Hall in Albany NY as HOWELL & HALL. 4
- Advertised in the Albany Centenial (Albany NY), 22 Dec 1801,
Watch Makers.
Silas W. Howel informs the public, that he has entered into partnership with Mr. John Hall, in the Watch and Clock Repairing business; from whose abilities and disposition to please, with our united efforts, we may promise to give general satisfaction. All applications in that line, will be gratefully received and punctually attended to.
Good watches, left for repairing, will be warranted in their performance.
Silas married Hannah Arnold on 13 Nov 1792 in Morristown NJ. (Hannah Arnold was born on 29 Jul 1772 in Morristown NJ.)