Thomas Stevens Eayres
- Born: 1760
- Marriage (1): Frances Revere on 27 May 1788 in Boston MA
- Died: 1813, Uxbridge MA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Advertised in the Massachusetts Spy (Boston MA), Jun 1791, calling attention to his shop. 3
- Flynt & Fales:, . 3 Paul Revere wrote to Isaiah Thomas, May 8, 1791, that young Eayres "has a minde to carry on his business, which is a Goldsmith, in the Town of Worcester. ... I can recommend him as an Industrious and Ingenious Tradesman, and of good morals. . . ." Apparently, despite the encouragement of Isaiah Thomas, he did not remain long in Worcester, for Nov. 4, 1793, the Worcester town meeting voted an abatement of taxes for 1791 in these sad words: "Thomas S. Eayres a Madman gone to Boston £0/12/3." The 1798 Boston Directory shows he was a silversmith on Essex Street, but in 1802, Paul Revere petitioned the Suffolk County Probate Court for a guardian for his son-in-law. He was living in Uxbridge in 1812 and is thought to have died in 1813/14.
Thomas married Frances Revere, daughter of Paul Revere and Sara Orne, on 27 May 1788 in Boston MA. (Frances Revere was born on 19 Feb 1766 in Boston MA and died on 9 Jun 1799.)