Jacob Jennings
- Born: 5 Dec 1739, Fairfield CT
- Marriage (1): Grace Parker on 14 Jan 1762 in Fairfield CT
- Died: 1817, Norwalk CT
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Alternate Mark
Tentative attribution per Winterthur
- Flynt & Fales:, . 3 Jennings was one of 39 men listed as having served in the North Guard in defense of Norwalk during the Revolution. Inventory of his estate mentions a number of silversmith's tools.
- He worked circa 1763-1810 as a silversmith in Norwalk CT
- Advertised in the The New-York Gazette (New York City NY), 18 Apr 1763,
Broke open on Wednesday the 6th Instant April, at Night, a Gold-smith's, joining the Thacher's mills, in Norwalk, and carried of the following Ware, a Cream Pot, large Spoons stamp't I I , Shoe and Knee-Buckles flower'd and plain, some of them were without Flukes, Teaspoons and Tongs, Stone Buttons of different Sorts, Gold and Silver Sleeve Buttons, and several other Things of Value. Whoever takes up the Thief or Thieves, and secures the said Ware, so that the Owner may have them again, shall be well rewarded, and all reasonable Charges paid by the Subscriber.
Jacob Jennings.
All Silversmiths are desired to stop the said Ware if offer'd for Sale.
The same ad ran in the Boston Gazette.
Jacob married Grace Parker on 14 Jan 1762 in Fairfield CT. (Grace Parker was born in 1741 in Fairfield CT.)