American Silversmiths

Richard Fairman
(1751-Bef 1840)
Anna Botsford
Gideon Fairman
Delight Austin
Caroline Augusta Fairman


Family Links

Caroline Augusta Fairman
  • Born: 22 Jul 1809, Albany NY

  General notes:


  Events in her life were:

  • Letter from Laura Ann (Noxon) Toppan (?) with a postscript signed by her brother George Walter Fairman., 24 Sep 1825
    Private Collection
    Philadelphia Septbr 24 — 1825
    My Dear Caroline

                   I received your letter yesterday — was happy to hear from you all — but very sorry to hear of the Death of Mrs Low which we previously knew — and now for Jay — Your Papa applied to Mr Hinsdale in N York and he was to make up his mind and write him which he has never done — he has since applied to Taylor and Baldwin New York who are very large Manufacturers and very fine good men that we know — Mr Baldwin was here a few days since and said he would consult Mr Taylor and write to us — we have not yet heard but I think we shall in a day or two — if not your Papa will write to them and I will write to your Mama immediately we have not forgotten Jay and shall not — I have no doubt we can find some good place for him soon

    And now My Dear Caroline I have a proposal to make you which you will submit to your Mama & Papa — which is that you should come to Philadela immediately as the weather is so fine I am anxious you should enjoy a month before winter sets in — Mr Toppan goes to New York on Tuesday to meet a Niece of his who is coming here — we have thought

    — page two —

    best for you to meet him in New York — provided your Friends think well of it and you can find company down the river which there can be no doubt of I think Perhaps you may think the time for preparations two short — but never mind your clothes I will attend to all that after getting here — Mr Toppan will wait a day or two for you therefore you Papa will be good enough to write a line to Mr Toppan directed to No 1 Nassau St at Mr Bakers [see below] and say whether you will come or no — if you do conclude to come please to name the day as he will meet you at the Boat and take you to Mrs Bakers who promises me her kind care of you and where you will meet Mr Toppans niece and come on the next day to Ph-a — I intended to meet you in N York myself but I am so busy — we have taken a House on Chestnut St above 13th St — a charming house which we shall not be able to move into short of a month — I intended to have been moved and in apple-pie-order but I am unwilling you should come so late — I read a letter from Geo yesterday he was well but two much engaged to write much Mr Ruggles does not move for a month yet — I am quilting and of course very busy — give my very best Love to your Dear Mama and Papa. Tell them nothing could give us so much pleasure as to see them here — nothing

    — page three —

    [in a different hand]

    Dear folks — Charles will take the very best care of Caroline on from New York to this place — we wish you could accompany Cal — when we move we shall then expect you — I enclose five dollrs & Mr Toppan will find the rest from N. Y.

    G. Fairman

    — — —

    From The Old Merchants Of New York City by Walter Barrett, 1863:

    Joseph Baker was originally a brass founder, at No. 4 Wall street, and he pursued his work from 1800 up to 1804, when it was put into his head that he could do better by adding a porter-house to his business. In 1805, the public house became so profitable that he dropped the brass business, and became a publican. His place became famous as the old city tavern, and it was frequented by the best men in the city. William Niblo, or "Billy," as the merchants called him then was with old Joe some time.

    Joe Baker kept that city tavern as late as 1822, when he moved to No. 1 Nassau street, and started a boardinghouse. He continued there as late as 1831. Then he moved off, and I have lost his track.

    In the days of the great glory of Baker's city tavern, the "House of Lords" met at his house every week-day night. Bernard Hart was president. It met at half-past seven, and adjourned at ten o'clock. Each member was allowed a limited quantity of liquor, and no more. The merchants discussed business, and important commercial negotiations were made. In these days, all the prominent men lived down town. Among the members most prominent were Robert Maitland, Thomas H. Smith, Preserved Fish, Captain Thomas Carberry, who lived at No. 79 Greenwich street, old Gulian Verplanck, Peter Harmony, Robert Lenox, William Bayard, Thaddeus Phelps, Samuel Gouverneur, Solomon Saltus, and Jarvis, the painter.

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