James Benton Eaton
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Peabody on 15 Mar 1805 in Boston MA
- Died: Dec 1829, Macon GA
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1805-1816 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Boston MA
Listed in the 1805 city directory at 42 Cornhill. 3
- Advertised in the Palladium (Boston MA), 12 Aug 1806, announcing "watchmaker and jeweller would inform his friends that he has taken the above shop, being the one lately occupied by Mr. Anthony Dumesnill, where he has for sale complete assortment of gold, silver, plated and other wares in his line. . . silver table and teaspoons, table knives and forks, etc." 3
- Obituary printed in the Statesman & Patriot (Macon GA) on 5 Dec 1829 announcing his death "a short time since." 15
James married Elizabeth Peabody, daughter of Unknown and Mary Baker, on 15 Mar 1805 in Boston MA. (Elizabeth Peabody was born on 21 Oct 1787 in Boston MA and died on 13 Dec 1861.)