John Champlin
- Born: 1745, Westerly RI
- Marriage (1): Anne Adams
- Died: 17 Jun 1800, Baltimore MD
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He worked in 1766-1790 as a silversmith in New London CT
His shop was destroyed in September 1781 when the British burned New London. His losses were estimated at £104/8/5. 12
- Advertised in the New London Gazette (New London CT), 22 Jul 1768, announcing "John Champlin, goldsmith, has opened a shop lately improved by Mr. David Manwaring where he makes and sells all kinds of gold smith, silver smith, and jeweller's work."
- Advertised in the Connecticut Gazette (New London CT), 30 Nov 1781, announcing the opening of his new shop "by his dwelling in Market Street." 3
John married Anne Adams, daughter of Pygan Adams and Ann Richards. (Anne Adams was born on 30 Apr 1749 in New London CT and died on 6 Apr 1838 in Baltimore MD.)