Zachariah Brigden
- Born: 21 Dec 1734, Charlestown MA
- Marriage (1): Sarah Edwards after 9 Dec 1756 in Boston MA
- Died: 10 Mar 1787, Boston MA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Apprenticed about 1748 to Thomas Edwards in Boston MA 1

- Chocolate pot, c 1755
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 9 7/8"
d: 4 11/16" (base)
wt: 27 oz, 7 dwt
Engraved with coat of arms used by Ebenezer Storer in cartouche.

- Gold buttons, c 1760
Yale University
w: 1/2"

- Tankard drawing: Mr. Otises half pint, c 1760-1780
Yale University 39
From Brigden's daybook.

- Teapot, 1760
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 6"
d; 2 3/4" (of base)
wt: 17 oz, 19 dwt
Engraved "The. Gift. of. Coll : Epes. Sargent. to. his. / daughter. Mary." for Mary Sargent who died at boarding school the same year this piece was made.
- Advertised in the Boston Gazette (Boston MA), 19 Nov 1764, offering large quantities of jewelry, English tools and scales and weights, as well as materials used in goldsmith's business at his shop on Cornhill
"opposite the West Door of the Town House." 3

- Mourning ring, 1766
Yale University
h: 3/16"
w: 3/4"
Engraved "Madm : Debh : Prince : ob 1 June 1766 Æ 67"

- Salt, c 1770
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 1 5/8"
d: 2 1/2" (of lip)
wt: 2 oz, 9 1/2 dwt
One of a pair, engraved with Bliss crest and made for Nathaniel Bliss
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. 39 Materials relating to Brigden's work as a silversmith contained in eleven folders, including three daybooks. The first (folder 27) holds 1691-93 accounts in an unknown late seventeenth-century hand and a series of designs for silver objects such as a "French Fork," "the Indian Minister's Cup," "Tea Tongs," a "toth Picker," and a "Chape for a Sword." The third daybook (folder 29) contains extensive records of the silver work Brigden did for a number of individuals from Boston, eastern Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine, including John Alen (tailor), Daniel Boyer, William Cario, the Reverend Samuel Cooper (1725-83), Moses Gill, Thomas Jackson (distiller), Christopher Lair, John Leverett, Dr. James Lloyd (1728-1810), the Reverend Jonathan Mayhew (1720-66), Zacheus Morton (baker), James Otis, Adino Padock, Josiah Quincy (1744-75), the Reverend Chandler Robbins (1738-99), Isaac Royall, Colonel Nathaniel Sparhawk, and Ebenezer Storer (1750-1807). Invoices for Daniel Boyer, Joseph Callender, Benjamin Phillips, and for general silversmith work. The silversmith work material (folders 37-38) includes invoices for Major Edward Carns, Nathaniel Gorham (1738-96), Benjamin Hall, Samuel Holbrook (1729-84), the schoolmaster, and Daniel Jones. Folder 41 holds "An Acco[un]t of the Value of Silver pr ounce from the Year 1700-1750." It shows that in 1700 silver cost seven shillings an ounce, while fifty years later the price had increased to fifty-six shillings.
Zachariah married Sarah Edwards, daughter of Thomas Edwards and Sarah Burr, after 9 Dec 1756 in Boston MA. (Sarah Edwards was born on 11 Dec 1724 in Boston MA and died in 1768 in Boston MA.)