Benjamin Lord
- Born: 10 Oct 1770, Norwich CT
- Christened: 21 Oct 1770, Norwich CT
- Marriage (1): Fanny Buell on 28 Jan 1799 in Coventry CT
- Died: 23 Apr 1843, Athens GA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Advertised in the Western Star (Stockbridge MA), 1796, the location of his silversmith's shop opposite the meetinghouse on road to Lanesborough in Pittsfield. 3
- He worked before 1797 as a silversmith in Pittsfield MA 3
- Advertised in the Rutland Herald (Rutland VT), 3 Jul 1797, indicates he formed partnership with Nicholas Goddard, a few rods north of courthouse, manufacturing musical clocks and most "kinds of gold and silverware, viz. gold beads and rings, silver spoons, buckles, buttons, sugar tongs, etc." 3
- Advertised in the Rutland Herald (Rutland VT), 1800, that LORD & GODDARD had moved into the shop "lately occupied by Messrs. Storer & Wilmot" where they continued to make and repair clocks and watches and do most kinds of gold and silversmith work on the usual terms. 3
- Advertised in the Rutland Herald (Rutland VT), 7 Mar 1800, move to about 15 rods northwest from courthouse. 3
- He worked in 1808-1830 as a silversmith in Rutland VT 3

- Advertised on 10 Nov 1808 (Rutland VT), 1
- Advertised in the Rutland Herald (Rutland VT), 17 Dec 1808, he was in same business by himself. 3
- Advertised in the Rutland Herald (Rutland VT), 17 Dec 1808, mentioning that he had just received an assortment of English and French watches and watch furniture and noted that he manufactured and kept constantly for sale warranted eight-day clocks, gold beads and ear rings, gold and gilt finger rings and breast pins, silver table and teaspoons, sugar tongs, thimbles, catheters, tooth instruments, etc. He offered to pay cash for old gold and silver. 3
- Advertised in the Rutland Herald (Rutland VT), 20 Sep 1818, that he had for sale Langworthy's patent brass hair combs of a superior quality. These combs were said to be a specific for rheumatic headache, but Lord skeptically observed "This may be true, but they do have three excellent qualities, to wit usefulness, durability and beauty.'' 3
- Advertised in the Rutland Herald (Rutland VT), 17 Nov 1818, calling attention to his English watches from $12 to $24 and the new assortment of elegant gold chains, seals and keys of the newest fashions which he would sell very low for cash. 3
- He worked in 1831-1843 as a silversmith in Athens GA 3
Benjamin married Fanny Buell on 28 Jan 1799 in Coventry CT. (Fanny Buell was born in 1775 in Norwich CT and died on 24 Jun 1824 in Rutland VT.)