Benjamin Norton Cleveland
- Born: 10 Aug 1767, Southold NY
- Marriage (1): Mary Gardiner on 9 Jul 1789 in Southold NY
- Marriage (2): Sarepta Skinner on 5 May 1800 in New Jersey
- Marriage (3): Elizabeth Gibbs on 26 Dec 1802 in Elizabethtown NJ
- Died: 20 Dec 1837, Newark NJ
General notes:
Silversmith and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- , . Removed from Southold about 1790 to Newark, where he was a real estate owner and well known. He was a manufacturer of clocks, watches, and silverware, carrying on business for many years. His store was on the east side of Broad Street, about 4 doors north of Market Street.
The inventory of his estate, dated 7 January 1838, contains nothing pertaining to his original trade. His will was executed by the silversmiths John Taylor and Isaac Baldwin.
- Advertised in the Wood's Newark Gazette, 7 Jun 1792, as a silversmith, watch and clockmaker. 4
- Advertised in the Wood's Newark Gazette, 25 Jun 1794, seeking two apprentices. 4
- Newark NJ, 1821: exhibited in Newark Industrial Parade and again in 1835 and 1836. 4
Benjamin married Mary Gardiner on 9 Jul 1789 in Southold NY. (Mary Gardiner was born on 31 Aug 1770 in Southold NY and died on 25 May 1795 in Newark NJ.)
Benjamin next married Sarepta Skinner, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 5 May 1800 in New Jersey. (Sarepta Skinner was born on 4 Aug 1776 in Springfield NJ and died on 1 Dec 1862 in Edenton NC.)
Benjamin next married Elizabeth Gibbs on 26 Dec 1802 in Elizabethtown NJ. (Elizabeth Gibbs was born on 25 Mar 1784 in Elizabethtown NJ and died on 10 May 1855 in Elizabethtown NJ.)