Thomas T. Wilmot
- Born: 1804, Fair Haven VT
- Died: Abt 1850
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He was a partner before 1837 with Samuel Wilmot in Bridgeport CT as S. & T. T. WILMOT

- Watch paper
Private Collection
- He was a partner in 1837-1841 with Samuel Wilmot in Charleston SC.
Both men were both listed in the 1837-38 Charleston, S. C., directory as jewelers at 267 King Street. On account of the disastrous fire of 1838, they moved their shop to 322 King Street. They were both listed in the 1840-41 directory as jewelers. 15
- He worked after 1841 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Savannah GA on Oct. 30, 1843, T. T. Wilmot advertised in Savannah that he had taken the old established stand of Oscar J. H. Dibble, and opened with a fresh and complete assortment of watches, clocks, jewelry, and silverware. Watch cases were made to order, and old gold and silver were taken in exchange. O. J. H. Dibble evidently remained in the store; he recommended his successor and invited his friends to come to the old stand where he would wait on them. In July 1844 Wilmot offered for sale silverware and gold and silver watches of which he had a large stock at No. 1 Market Square.
In December 1844 he advertised in Columbus, GA, where he had taken a store on Broad Street, one door below B. Willis & Co.'s shoe store; he had a large stock of watches, clocks, and jewelry. A footnote to his advertisement follows: "The above business will be conducted by Mr. O. J. H. Dibble who will make this his permanent residence and is duly authorized to act as agent." This Columbus store seems to have been a branch of the Savannah one, for he ran a long advertisement in Savannah from Nov. 13, 1844 to Aug. 22, 1845. In January 1845 he wanted a Negro boy 18 years of age, and on Dec. 18 of the same year he gave a bill of sale of his stock in Savannah to secure a note. In 1847 he advertised such articles as ladies' dress buttons, beads, and silverware. The Savannah directory for 1850 lists "T. T. Wilmot, Watchmaker, 1 Market Square, corner of Bryan." About this time, Samuel Wilmot appeared in Savannah at the old stand of T. T. Wilmot, 1 Market Square, and we entirely lose sight of T .T. Wilmot. It may be that he did return to South Carolina about 1850 and died there.

- Watch paper, c 1845
Private Collection