Charles Fletcher Bennett
- Born: 5 Jul 1814, Leominster MA
- Marriage (1): Mrs. Rebecca Bennett
- Died: 17 Mar 1892, Louisville KY
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He worked in 1843-1852 as a jeweler in Louisville KY in the shop of Henry Fletcher 5
- Letter Eliza Bennett in Philadelphia
Private Collection
Louisville August 12th 1844 My dear Sister I received your kind letter in due time and feel very much obliged to you for the interest you take in the welfare of my dear little Mary. I have taken your proposition into consideration and after much reflection I think that such an arrangement as you speak of can not be made at present, the expense would be too great for you to come here to take charge of her. I could not get you good comfortable board for less than four dollars per week, besides washing and other expenses, which would probably make it six or seven. I have been paying three dollars for the babys board and washing, but I have made a different arrangement with her and shall now pay but two dollars. She has not been doing well and I have been very much afraid that she would not get along, but I have now placed her with a Lady who has lost her own child, to nurse and I hope she will do better, she weighed a week ago when I made the change, seven and a half pounds, which is a half a pound less than when she was born; poor thing, she has had a hard time since she came into the world, but she looks better now and I trust that she may be yet spared to be a comfort to me. The Lady that has charge of her now is young and healthy and her first child, she lives with her mother, who has had a good deal of experience with children, they are from Boston and real Yankees, and I think will do well by her, she will keep her as long as she requires nursing. I should like very — page two —if she could be where some of her relations could take charge of her but I can not think of parting with her, and I suppose there would small chance for me to find any thing to do in Philad by which I could make a certain living, and I think taking all things into consideration it will be best for me to stay where I am. I hope however that I shall be able to pay you a visit during the winter or spring, but I do not know. Please give my love to Mrs Eplee and tell her that Iif our lives are spared she shall see the baby some time, she must not neglect of write to me about the name, I suppose she will have an opportunity to send by Mr. Marshall on his return. I requested him to call and see Mrs E and hope he has found time to do so. If you go to Leominster you must give my love to Sidney and Sarah and Kelly, and to aunts Newhall, aunt Betsy and Mary Ann and all the rest of my friends there. I should like to see them once more but I do not that I ever shall in this world. Give my love to all in Philada Your affectionate Brother Chas F. Bennett You must write to me if you go to Leominster it is a long time since I have heard any thing from there |
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Louisville KY, listed as a clerk.
- He was a partner in 1852-1866 with Henry Fletcher in Louisville KY as FLETCHER & BENNETT, listed in the 1859 city directory at 163 Main Street.

- Alternate Mark for FLETCHER & BENNETT

- Alternate Mark for FLETCHER & BENNETT
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Louisville KY, listed as a jeweler, living in the home of Henry Fletcher
- Letter to Jacob Bennett
Private Collection
Louisville June 30th 1854 Dear Brother I received your letter this morning and was glad to hear from you. I have for some days been thinking of writing to you about James' being dissatisfied and wishing to go home. We have about come to the same conclusion that you have, that it will be best for him to go home. I regret this very much as he could be of great use to us, and I have no doubt that it would be very much to his own advantage to stay if he was willing to do so and make himself useful. I know that he will regret it hereafter, it is such an opportunity as may not again offer. I suppose the great reason for his wanting to go home now is to be there on the Forth of July. The Boys have been constantly writing to him urging him to come home and be with them on that day and offering to send him money to pay his expenses and it has kept him in a perfect fever to be off. As far as Comfort and happiness are concerned I see no reason why he should not be both comfortable and happy, he boards in one of the best houses in the City, the same that Uncle Henry boards in now and has for several years and where I now board. We pay for his board the same as Uncle Henry pays and he sits at the same table, -- he sleeps in the same room that I slept in for years. Uncle Henry also sleeps in the store, as is the custom here, and I do not see that he has any thing to make him unhappy, and to judge by the way he can talk, laugh, sing and play with the boys and girls I should say he was as happy as any one could be. The only thing he has to complain of is that he is required to be in at or about ten o'clock at night as Uncle Henry goes to bed at that time. I do not believe he could complain of the work he is put to -- his duties and chores are near to half what was expected of me when I was put out to trade. As to his being bitten by the dog it was only a very slight scratch on the finger, not enough to draw blood and there is not the least danger from it. I had a talk with him yesterday about going home and he was anxious to be off right away so as to be there on the forth but I told him he would have to wait until I had written to you upon the subject. I do not suppose that there would be the least danger in sending him home by himself, he is smart enough to go any where, so I will wait to hear from you and then if he still wishes to go and you wish to have him I will get him a through ticket and send him off. Please remember me to all the family and tell them James looks as fat and hardy as ever. Your Affectionate Brother C. F. Bennett |
- He worked circa 1866-1870 as a jeweler in Louisville KY continuing, after the death of Henry Fletcher, under the name FLETCHER & BENNETT. 5
- Schematic map of the Fletcher & Bennett family business connections.
Red lines indicate formal partnerships; green lines informal dealings. Click an individual to go to their page.
- Notice: Illustrated Louisville : Kentucky's Metropolis, in 1891.
C. FLETCHER BENNETT, Manufacturer, Importer, and Dealer in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Silver, Plated Ware, Optical and Fancy Goods, No. 509 Fourth Avenue. — There is something peculiarly attractive about a business house of great age— a house founded before the generation who are now its patrons and friends were born, and that from first to last has possessed the respect, confidence, and favor of the same community, fathers, sons, and grandsons. Such an establishment is that of Mr. C. Fletcher Bennett, which has been under his control since 1848 and which dates its foundation from 1818 having been originally established by Mr. Henry Fletcher in Lexington, Ky.,and removed in 1830 to this city to No. 153 Main Street, where the business was carried on for a period of forty-four years and removed in 1871 to No. 70 Fourth Avenue. Here it was found that the facilities were inadequate to meet the demands of the steadily growing population, and in 1876 a removal was made to the very handsome, desirable premises now occupied at No. 509 Fourth Avenue. Mr. C. Fletcher Bennett, who was born in Massachusetts, had been in the employ of Mr. Henry Fletcher, his uncle, many years, and in 1848 became associated with him as a partner, and as Fletcher & Bennett the business was conducted until 1866, the date of the death of Mr. Fletcher. For a period of three years he conducted and managed the business, when
he bought out the interest of his uncle's estate and has since continued it with his son, Mr. Henry F. Bennett, as manager. The store, one of the largest, finest, and most popular in the city, has a front of 25 with a depth of 100 feet. It is neatly fitted up with hardwood fixtures, cabinets, and counters of a pleasing design and plate glass show cases, and contains all the modern adjuncts, and in its appointments and arrangement is without doubt the most attractive among the many fine business establishments on Fourth Avenue. The stock is large and varied and has been selected with unusual care expressly for a critical and fastidious custom. The goods are all new, and conspicuous for delicate beauty and splendid, artistic workmanship. The assortment of jewelry is very handsome and embraces all the new styles that have been made popular by the decrees of fashion, also diamonds and gems of purest ray serene in various settings, gold and silver watches of both American and European productions, clocks of every description, silver and plated ware, including everything for the appointment of the table, bronzes, fancy goods, spectacles, eye glasses, optical and fancy goods and novelties embracing a wide range of articles of utility and ornament eminently suitable for wedding presents and gifts for all occasions. Careful attention is paid to repairing and the work executed with skill in the best and most substantial manner. Mr. Bennett's opportunities for obtaining the choicest and best goods and all the latest European and American novelties are unsurpassed, and he can always offer the best inducements to customers and fully guarantees the goods to be strictly as represented. Mr. Bennett is one of the oldest among the esteemed, respected business men and residents of the Falls City. He is seventy-six years old, hale and hearty, and enjoys a well-earned prosperity and the regard and consideration of a wide circle of warm friends and many acquaintances. His son is a gentleman in middle life, a practical jeweiler, and was brought up in the business with his father. He is popularly known and enjoys the unbounded confidence of all having dealings with the house. Mr. Bennett manufactures, imports, and deals in everything in his special line of business, and was the first to introduce plate glass, silver mounted show-cases in Louisville, which he did many years ago. His store is now well supplied with these necessary adjuncts, and is lighted at night with electricity, and contains every modern improvement.
Charles married Mrs. Rebecca Bennett.