John Dalrymple
- Born: Abt 1772, Templepatrick, Ireland
- Marriage (1): Rebecca Gardner on 27 Nov 1809 in Salem MA
- Died: 16 Jul 1819, Salem MA
General notes:
Silversmith and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- He worked circa 1795-1810 as a silversmith and watchmaker in Salem MA
- He worked in 1810-1818 as a silversmith and watchmaker in Portland ME
- Advertised in the Portland Gazette (Portland ME), 16 Apr 1810, noting that he had for sale watches, chains and seals, jewelry, and hardware on Fish Street, opposite the Maine Bank. 3
- Advertised in the Eastern Argus (Portland ME), 12 Dec 1811, offering his service as a watchmaker at the Sign of the Time Peice, near bottom of Exchange Street, having for sale all manner of silver, jewelry, and hardware. He also pointed out that to meet the demands of trade, he was employing one of the best journeyman goldsmiths to be found anywhere. 3

- Watchpaper
Litchfield Historical Society
John married Rebecca Gardner on 27 Nov 1809 in Salem MA. (Rebecca Gardner was born on 28 Apr 1788 in Salem MA and died on 4 Jul 1853 in Salem MA.)