Otis B. Corbett
- Born: 29 Jul 1782, Milford MA
- Marriage (1): Mary S. Grafton on 8 Mar 1807 in Worcester MA
- Died: 6 Feb 1868, Worcester MA
General notes:
SilversmithSilversmith and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- Apprenticed about 1800 to Geer Terry in Worcester MA
- He was a partner in 1806 with Orrin Stowell in Worcester MA as CORBETT & STOWELL, at the sign of the Gold Watch, eight rods south of the Worcester Bank. 3
- Advertised in the Massachusetts Spy, 5 Feb 1806, with Orrin Stowell informing their friends of the commencement of their "business at the sign of the Gold Watch, eight rods south of the Worcester Bank, and offer for sale a complete assortment of jewelry of the most fashionable pattern, also gold beads, gold finger rings, gold and silver breast pins, silver tea, table and salt spoons, silver sugar trays. . . , " 3
- Advertised in the National Aegis, 17 Mar 1806-30 Apr 1806, with Orrin Stowell informing their friends of the commencement of their "business at the sign of the Gold Watch, eight rods south of the Worcester Bank, and offer for sale a complete assortment of jewelry of the most fashionable pattern, also gold beads, gold finger rings, gold and silver breast pins, silver tea, table and salt spoons, silver sugar trays. . . , " 3
- Advertised in the National Aegis and Massachusetts Spy, 1 Dec 1806, that partnership of CORBETT & STOWELL had dissolved and that Corbett would continue alone. 3
- Advertised in the National Aegis, 17 Dec 1806, announcing the dissolution of the partnership of CORBETT & STOWELL, the business being continued by Corbett alone. 3
- He worked circa 1806-1822 as a silversmith and watchmaker in Worcester MA
When he retired from business in 1822, his shop passed to his old apprentice, William Daniel Fenno. He was one of Worcester's leading citizens and, among other public offices, he served as representative to the General Court. His home was on Corbett Street, which was later named for him.
- Advertised in the National Aegis, 1807-1810, "For apprentice to learn the gold and silversmith's business." 3

- Watch paper, c 1808
American Antiquarian Society
Otis married Mary S. Grafton on 8 Mar 1807 in Worcester MA. (Mary S. Grafton was born about 1786 in Worcester MA.)