Edward Augustus Tyler
- Born: 23 Feb 1813, Boston MA
- Marriage (1): Julia Ann Barnes on 22 Aug 1840 in Cambridge MA
- Died: 19 Jul 1879, New Orleans LA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1845-1879 as a jeweler and watchmaker in New Orleans LA
He employed silversmiths, jewelers, and watchmakers to repair jewelry and make some custom pieces. He also made regular trips to New York for merchandise and was an agent for major manufacturers.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at New Orleans LA, listed as a jeweler.
- Advertised in De Bow's New Orleans Monthly Review (New Orleans LA), 1853
E. A. TYLER 39 Camp Street, New Orleans, Manufacturer of Jewelry and Silver Ware. Diamonds and other precious Stones reset and old family Plate made over.
Watches and Jewelry of every description, Clocks and Music Boxes carefully repaired by the best workmen in the city.
E. A. T. has constantly on hand a great variety of Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, all of which being on commission can be sold very low. Strangers and others are respectfully invited to call and examine the goods .

- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at New Orleans LA, listed as a jeweler.

- Advertised in the Jewell’s Crescent City Illustrated (New Orleans LA), 1874,
Edward married Julia Ann Barnes, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 22 Aug 1840 in Cambridge MA. (Julia Ann Barnes was born on 10 Feb 1822 in Cambridge MA and died on 5 Mar 1892 in New Orleans LA.)