Smith Burnet
- Born: 30 Nov 1771, Newark NJ
- Marriage (1): Phebe Halstead on 26 Jan 1805
- Died: 21 May 1830, Newark NJ
General notes:
Silversmith, watch, and clockmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1793-1830 as a silversmith, watch, and clockmaker in Newark NJ
Though his various advertisements offered silver work, it appears that clock and watchmaking was his primary work. Well known and admired, his shop was a popular stopping place in town. His estate was valued at $45,438.26.
- Advertised in the Wood's Gazette (Newark NJ), 10 Dec 1793, announcing the opening of his new shop opposite Archer Gifford's tavern.
Smith married Phebe Halstead on 26 Jan 1805. (Phebe Halstead was born on 21 Aug 1783 and died on 8 Dec 1821 in Newark NJ.)