John Gardiner Brower
- Born: 3 Sep 1807, New York City NY
- Marriage (1): Sarah Jane Burger on 7 Aug 1833 in New York City NY
- Died: 17 Aug 1853, New Orleans LA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He was a partner in 1836-1842 with Charles Holmes Rusher in New York City NY as BROWER & RUSHER, fine furnishing dealers at 149 Broadway. The firm filed for bankruptcy in 1843
- Advertised in the The Evening Post from New York (New York City NY), 23 Jun 1836,
CO-PARTNERSHIP. —The subscribers take pleasure in informing their friends and the publick that they have formed a Co-partnership in trade, under the firm of BROWER & RUSHER, for the purpose of carrying on the Furnishing business, and have taken of Mr. B. Gardiner, his late Furnishing Warehouse, No. 149 Broadway, corner of Liberty street, and have also purchased of him the principle part of his unopened goods, which are princilplly of this Spring's importation, consisting of Lamps and Chandeliers; Birmingham and Sheffield plated ware; Japanery; Table Cutlery; Clocks; Candelabras; Fancy Bronzes; Britannia Metal; and best Woolverhampton Block tin Goods, with a great variety of other fancy Hardware Furnishing articles.
They also keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Silver ware of choice patterns, and will manufacture to order with the upmost care, Silver Tea Setts, Spoons, Forks, Pitchers, Soup Tureens, Race and other Sporting cups, etc. with promptness.
Having been for many years the principle assistants in Mr. Gardner's late establishment, they feel confident of their ability to satisfy all those who may favor them with their custom. They are making such arrangements with the best manufacturers abroad, as will keep them constantly supplied with the newest and choicest goods in their line.
John married Sarah Jane Burger on 7 Aug 1833 in New York City NY. (Sarah Jane Burger was born on 19 Jan 1817 in New York City NY and died on 10 Apr 1895 in Chatham NJ.)