Frederick Richards Robinson
- Born: 1819, Cumberland RI
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He worked circa 1855-1875 as a soap manufacturer in Boston MA under the name of BOSTON INDEXICAL SOAP Co, makers of Silver Soap.

- Hand bill, c 1860
Private Collection
With testimonials by
Gentlemen; After repeated trials of your Silver Soap, we can recommend it as the best article we have ever seen for cleaning plated and silver ware. It must soon be used by every family. SAMUEL T. CROSBY & Co:
Gentlemen: We have, during the last twelve months, given your Silver Soap a thorough trial, and find there is nothing to equal it, as it cleans silver quicker, better,. and with less trouble, than any thing we have been able to find.
Gentlemen: We have made careful trial of your Silver Soap, and find it admirably adapted to the cleaning of silver and plated wares, particularly the chased and frosted work; and we take pleasure in recommending it to the public as a safe and effective agent for removing tarnish and restoring the color with a very small amount of labor. We have never seen a better article for the above purpose.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Medford MA, listed as a soap manufacturer.