Thomas Melville
- Born: 18 Aug 1769, Newport RI
- Died: 1796, Newport RI
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Porringer, c 1790
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- Advertised in the Newport Mercury (Newport RI), 31 Dec 1793,
"Samuel and Thomas Melville Hereby informe the Public, That they carry on the Pewterer's Business, in the Shop belonging to Mrs. Carr, at the Corner of the Ferry Wharf; Where they Make Pewter Ware, Brass and Leaden Weights, Mend Pewter, Brass, and Copper Kettles. They also Work in the Plumbers, Business such as, Hawser, Scupper, and Deep Sea Leads & &
They also give cash for old Pewter, Brass, Copper and Lead.
Those who favor them with their Custom will meet with the strictest attention to their Commands, and the smallest Favours gratefully acknowledged."