Henry Augustus Cargill
- Born: 16 Jun 1811, New Jersey
- Marriage (1): Mary Payson Hays
- Died: 17 May 1899, Los Angeles CA
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1836-1839 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Memphis TN
In late 1838, Cargill was advertising his goods at reduced rates for cash only. By the following year, silversmith Henry Thomas had bought the remaining stock and was selling from Cargill's former store on the public square. 40
- Advertised in the Nashville Union, 7 Oct 1837, announcing his return from the North with a splendid assortment of watches, jewelry, and military goods. He also noted his readiness to manufacture all kinds of silverware, to repair clocks and watches, and to mend jewelry.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at New York City NY, listed as a merchant.
Henry married Mary Payson Hays. (Mary Payson Hays was born on 19 Jun 1819 in , , TN and died on 16 Dec 1902 in Los Angeles CA.)