Otis Howe
- Born: 20 Jun 1790, Brookfield MA
- Died: 24 Oct 1825, Portsmouth NH
General notes:
Silversmith and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- Advertised in the National Aegis (Worcester MA), 23 Nov 1814, stating he was "from 74 Congress St., Boston, had taken a store a few doors north of Sike's State House in Worcester. He will keep constantly for sale a complete assortment of silver table, tea, salt and mustard spoons, soup, gravy and cream ladles, silver thimbles, tea sets, sugar bowls and cream pots."
- Advertised in the Massachusetts Spy, 30 Nov 1814, stating he was "from 74 Congress St., Boston, had taken a store a few doors north of Sike's State House in Worcester. He will keep constantly for sale a complete assortment of silver table, tea, salt and mustard spoons, soup, gravy and cream ladles, silver thimbles, tea sets, sugar bowls and cream pots."

- Watch paper, c 1815
American Antiquarian Society
- He was a partner in 1816-1817 with Reuben H. Putney in Sacketts Harbor NY as PUTNEY & HOWE. 3
- Advertised in the Massachusetts Spy, Jul 1816, the auction sale of his establishment to John Grosvenor, indicating that he left Worcester at that time. 3
- He worked circa 1821 as a silversmith and watchmaker in Watertown NY 16
- He worked circa 1822 as a silversmith and watchmaker in Albany NY

- Watch paper, c 1823
American Antiquarian Society
- Advertised in the Vermont National Standard (Middlebury VT), 26 Oct 1824, he had "taken a shop in the city of Vergennes and commenced business of Watch Repairer, Silversmith and Jeweller at the Sign of the Silver Watch. . . ." 3