Nathan Dickinson
- Born: 21 Mar 1799, Amherst MA
- Marriage (1): Mary Ann Taylor on 6 Sep 1828 in Westfield MA
- Died: 4 Apr 1861, Romeo MI
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:

- Alternate Mark attribution given by Winterthur
- He worked before 1836 as a silversmith and jeweler in Amherst MA
According to his later rememberences, he left home at age ten, working at odd jobs for several years until he was able to get an apprenticeship with a silversmith, with whom he served a six year term learning the trade.
- He worked after 1836 as a general merchant in Romeo MI
While he may have marked and sold silver goods as a part of his retail business, there is no indication that he continued manufacturing.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Romeo MI, listed as a merchant.
Nathan married Mary Ann Taylor on 6 Sep 1828 in Westfield MA. (Mary Ann Taylor was born in 1807 in Westfield MA and died on 25 Apr 1878 in Romeo MI.)