Marcus Edmund Tobey
- Born: 10 Oct 1831, Great Barrington MA
- Marriage (1): Minerva North Boardman on 29 Jan 1868 in New York City NY
- Died: 14 Jul 1907, Pittsfield MA
General notes:
Jeweler and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- He worked circa 1860-1900 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Great Barrington MA
- He appeared on the 1865 census taken at Great Barrington MA, listed as a jeweler.

- He was a partner circa 1865-1870 with Isaac R. Prindle in Great Barrington MA as PRINDLE & TOBEY.

- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Great Barrington MA, listed as a jeweler.
- He appeared on the 1880 census taken at Great Barrington MA, listed as a jeweler.
- He appeared on the 1900 census taken at Pittsfield MA, listed as a watch repairer.
Marcus married Minerva North Boardman on 29 Jan 1868 in New York City NY. (Minerva North Boardman was born on 16 Apr 1842 in Lockport NY and died on 6 Apr 1920.)