Freeman Hinckley
- Born: 27 Jun 1757, Barnstable MA
- Marriage (1): Sabra Hatch on 17 May 1781 in Falmouth MA
- Died: 31 Jan 1808, Barnstable MA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1777-1808 as a silversmith in Barnstable MA 4
- Flynt & Fales:, . 3 His silversmith shop, described in an 1860 manuscript by Gustavus Hinckley on old houses in Barnstable, was located "little East of Mary Eldredge's . . . next to Mrs. Scudder on same side . . . high single house was owned and occupied by Freeman Hinckley, a silversmith. . . ." His will, on file in Barnstable Probate Court, describes him as "Goldsmith."
Freeman married Sabra Hatch on 17 May 1781 in Falmouth MA. (Sabra Hatch was born on 29 Nov 1760 in Falmouth MA.)