Leonard Talcott Welles
- Born: 23 Feb 1818, Glastonbury CT
- Marriage (1): Lucy Tanner Carter on 3 Nov 1842 in Glastonbury CT
- Died: 11 Sep 1876, Hartford CT
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- Apprenticed about 1831 to Joseph Church in Hartford CT 4
- He was a partner in 1840 with Charles Cyprian Strong in Hartford CT as WELLES & STRONG, having purchased the business of their old master. 4

- He was a partner in 1841-1857 with W. Welles in Hartford CT as L. T. WELLES & Co. 4

- Tradecard, After 1841
Private Collection

- Watch paper for WELLES & STRONG, c 1845
American Antiquarian Society

- He worked circa 1846-1875 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Hartford CT as L. T. WELLES & Co. Listed in the 1861 and 1875 city directories with a shop in the Exchange Building, No. 4 State Street.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Hartford CT, listed as a jeweler.

- Receipt, 18 Nov 1852
Winterthur Library
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Hartford CT, listed as a jeweler and watchmaker.
- Advertised in the Hartford City Directory (Hartford CT), 1861, L. T. Welles, dealer in Watches and jewelry, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Plated and Britannia Ware, Fine Cutlery and Fancy Goods of every description. No. 4 State street/Exchange Buildings, Hartford, Conn. Watches and other Time Pieces repaired by experienced workmen, and warranted. Engraving of all kinds neatly executed at short notice.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Hartford CT, listed as a jeweler.
Leonard married Lucy Tanner Carter on 3 Nov 1842 in Glastonbury CT. (Lucy Tanner Carter was born on 18 Jan 1820 in Glastonbury CT and died on 15 May 1896 in Hartford CT.)