Jacob Stockman
- Born: 22 Mar 1791, New London CT
- Marriage (1): Harriet Starr on 22 Oct 1824 in Hartford CT
- Died: 1 Nov 1871, Philadelphia PA
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1819-1827 as a silversmith in Philadelphia PA specializing in gold and silver thimbles and pencil cases. Listed in the 1823 commercial directory at 46 Chestnut Street. 4

- He was a partner in 1828-1831 with Henry J. Pepper in Philadelphia PA as STOCKMAN & PEPPER. 4
- Advertised in the Philadelphia City Directory (Philadelphia PA), 1828,
No. 46, Chesnut Three doors above Second Street, Manufacturers of Gold and Silver everpointed and plain Pencil Cases
Gold and Silver Thimbles
Gold and Silver Pens.
New and highly approved Metallic Pens
Silver Spoons—Jewellery, &c. &c.
HAVE ON HAND AND KEEP CONSTANTLY FOR SALE, an extensive assortment of the above articles of their own manufacture, and also a good supply of Brittania, Plated and Blocktin Ware.
- He worked circa 1832-1855 as a silversmith and jeweler in Philadelphia PA 4
- Master to George Platt Pilling Abt 1835 in Philadelphia PA.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Philadelphia PA, listed as a pencil maker.
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Philadelphia PA, listed as a gentleman.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Philadelphia PA, listed as a trader.
Jacob married Harriet Starr on 22 Oct 1824 in Hartford CT. (Harriet Starr was born on 2 Dec 1802 in Hartford CT and died on 18 Jul 1878 in Philadelphia PA.)