Roswell Huntington
- Born: 15 Mar 1763, Norwich CT
- Marriage (1): Mary Palmer on 12 Oct 1789 in Hillsborough NC
- Died: 7 Sep 1836, Marion AL
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Flynt & Fales:, . 3 Served in defense of New London at age of 14. In 1786 removed to Hillsborough NC. Connected with several land transactions between 1786 and 1799, including purchase of "Twin Chimneys" house confiscated by authorities from Edmund Fanning. Probably removed to Alabama in the fall of 1833.
- Advertised in the Norwich Packet (Norwich CT), 1784, that he had a shop opposite the store of General Jedediah Huntington in Norwich. 3

- Cornerstone plaque, 1793
University of North Carolina
October 12, 1793:
"General William Richardson Davie, Revolutionary patriot, governor of North Carolina, and recipient of the University's first honorary doctor of laws degree, laid the cornerstone ... Sealed into the cornerstone that day by Davie's silver trowel was a commemorative plate reading 'The Right Worshipful William Richardson Davie, Grand Master of the most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Freemasons in the State of North Carolina, one of the trustees of the University of the said state ... assisted by the other commissioners and the Brethren of the Eagle and Independence Lodges, on the 12th day of October in the Year of Masonry 5793 and in the 18th year of the American Independence, laid the cornerstone of this edifice.'
The cornerstone was vandalized sometime between 1865 and 1875 and the commemorative plate was stolen. In 1916 it was discovered in a pile of scrap brass destined for melting at a foundry in Tennessee. The foundry's owner, who was an alumnus of UNC, recognizing the name Davie, had the plate cleaned and returned to its rightful place. The plate may be seen in the North Carolina Collection of the Louis Round Wilson Library."
Roswell married Mary Palmer on 12 Oct 1789 in Hillsborough NC. (Mary Palmer was born about 1770 in NC.)